Friday, May 4, 2012

Following the Leader, The Leader, The Leader

When you think of following someone a couple of things come to mind;   Twitter and Facebook.  

If you own a business you’re strongly encouraged to create a Twitter account so people can “follow” you.  You’re also encouraged to create a Facebook page so people can “like” you and see what’s going on within your business.

Naturally, both of those tools are great and if used properly can add money to your bottom line.  However, in today’s society we have the ability to follow and like, but we’re not required to do anything. 

We’ve all heard the song, “We’re following the leader, the leader, the leader.  We’re following the leader, where ever he may go”.  To properly follow a leader requires the following.

Number one is TRUST - if you can’t trust the person in the position of leadership, then you can’t properly follow.  You’ll constantly be questioning every move the leader makes and stressing out over whether or not he or she is moving in the right direction.  You’ve got to be willing to put yourself and your fate into the hands of the leader and TRUST that he’ll do the right thing, take you to the right places and introduce you to the right people that will eventually land you at your destination….success!

The second thing you’ve go to be willing to do is COMMIT.  There are places the leader will want to take you that may be un-nerving and unfamiliar.  You’ve got to be willing to commit to the journey.  There are tools and processes that the leader may be willing to use that you’re uncomfortable with.  Be committed to using those tools.  Remember, if you’re not willing to commit, you’re not properly following. 

There’s more to my thoughts on this subject, so stay tuned for more.  Remember the words of Jesus.  He said, “Follow me and I will make you fisher of men”.  I love the fact that he chose people to follow Him and then developed them to lead.  That’s our job as well.  We’ve got to be willing to choose those who are willing to follow and develop them to lead. 

Just my thoughts on a page…..