Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sounds like an ape!

I haven't posted a new blog in a while mainly because I just haven't felt like it. I could have written about some issue at work or written about some things going on at church, home or someone else’s life but just really didn't feel that any of those things would be a big deal for anyone. I felt as if I would be doing more gossiping than helping someone. Which gossip has been a topic around our house here lately, so rather than be a gossip, I wanted to write something about the topic itself.

Gossip: Webster defines it as one who chatters idly about others. Now, I like to know what words mean so I looked up the word "chatter". Chatter, as defined by Webster's, is to make short, rapid, indistinct sounds, as apes do. 2) To talk much and foolishly. The word "idly" in the definition of gossip was also a word I wanted a little clarification on, so I looked it up. Idle: Useless, futile, unfounded, rumors, inactive, not in use, lazy.

So from what I get out of the definition of the word gossip is that it's someone who sounds like an ape, hasn't got a clue what it is their talking about, what their saying doesn't make sense, the story they are trying to tell usually hasn't been confirmed, and that they are usually unemployed or choose not to work. What about those that are employed, you ask? Well, maybe they're employed but do they really work. Look at their performance. Do they really put forth any effort into the job they have or are they on the phone or computer all day? Okay, I'm not going there with this note....but I sure could. Bottom line is a person who is gossiping isn't doing it to help someone, their doing it to hurt them and to make themselves feel better about their slackness.

When I speak, write, discuss, I want it to be about things that make sense. I want people to leave the conversation with a feeling of self worth, uplifted, and encouraged. I don't want them to leave with a feeling of doubt, worry, depression, and last but not least I don't want them feeling like they can't trust me, which is really what a gossip is can't trust me! I want people to know that there is hope for them and that there is help and a life with peace and joy for them to experience. Basically, I want to build people not destroy them.

The next time you listen to someone who starts saying things about someone or starts trying to get a conversation going about someone's integrity, lifestyle or choices made; I want you to not only hear the words, but hear the cries of the person they are talking about. Hear the agony in the screams from the knife that is being stabbed and twisted into their back. Feel the pain, feel the torment of being trampled on and kicked then ask yourself this question. What if it was you that was feeling that pain? Would you want someone to help stop the pain? You can help stop the pain! It's by saying one very small word….Stop!

I don’t mean to be preachy, but Colossians 3:12-17 says this: Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and FORGIVING one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as CHRIST FORGAVE YOU, so YOU also must do. But above all these things put on LOVE, which is the bond of perfection. And let the PEACE of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. And whatsoever ye do in WORD or DEED, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

Bottom line….is what you say going to be tender, merciful, kind, and meek? Is it going to be longsuffering, uplifting encouraging? If someone has wronged you, betrayed you, hurt you, can YOU forgive them? Is the peace of God ruling your heart? Can you honestly say that what you are about to say or do could be “blessed” by saying in Christ name? Only you can answer those questions. As for me, I want to show LOVE and support to those I’m around. And I want others who are around me to feel that love and support.

I’m not a babbling ape….

Just a thought on a page….


  1. Bro Tim this is so wise. I fine usually a person that gossips to you, when you walk away you are their next subject. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Brother Tim,
    Well said and so true. I am not guilt free - we can easily be ensnared, but I try very hard to not be guilty of gossip. I appreciate your anointing and pray for you and the other men in our church. You have been that "positive word" in my life and I thank you for it.

    Sister Linda
