Monday, April 11, 2011

Building Trust

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and thought, “Is this person really being honest with me” or been in a discussion with a person and they had this look of “are you sure you know what you’re talking about” on their face? Having people trust you and the information you’re sharing is important. The last thing you want is to share information and then have to retract or correct it.

I received this list on how we can become more trustworthy in a recent class I attended. I thought I’d share it.

  • 1)Talk straight: Be honest and tell the truth. Even if the truth hurts or cost you.
  • 2)Demonstrate respect: you need to show those around you that you care.
  • 3)Be transparent: when you give information make sure it’s verifiable.
  • 4)Right any wrong: Apologize quickly. Make restitution where possible.
  • 5)Show loyalty: Give credit to others and don’t badmouth people behind their backs….Even if others are doing it.
  • 6)Deliver results: Get the right things done….done the right way.
  • 7)Get Better: Be a constant learner…ask questions. You’ll learn more that way.
  • 8)Confront reality: address the tough stuff directly.
  • 9)Clarify expectations: Discuss them, don’t violate them.
  • 10)Practice accountability: Take responsibility for results, good and bad…Don’t blame others for your mess ups.
  • 11)Listen first: Use your ears before you use your mouth. Don’t assume what you want matters most to others. It usually doesn’t.
  • 12)Keep commitments: Don’t try to “PR” your way out of a commitment you’ve broken.
  • 13)Extend trust: Learn how to extend trust to others appropriately, based on the situation, risk and credibility of the people involved.

These are not in any particular order, but if I had to list them in order I think I’d start with number eleven, then move on to number one.

Listening to others gives them the feeling that you generally care about what they have to say. Giving them a chance to speak and share their concerns, without interruption, demonstrates the respect for the individual that everyone should be shown. It builds, not only trust from that individual, but the opportunity to be open.

Next would be number 1. Being honest with the people you talk with not only builds trust. But it defines your character. You don’t want people to say, “You can’t believe a word that comes out of that man/woman’s mouth”. Give information honestly and openly, even if the information isn’t positive. Don’t try to spin, mask or mislead anyone with information. Remember, the truth will come out and when it comes out or it’s discovered that you knew the truth but gave false or misleading information, you could be held accountable. Honesty is truly the best policy.

Just a few thoughts….on a page.

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