Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Have I Got A Deal For You!

My phone rang the other night and when I answered it, the voice on the other end sounded like a mix between Urkel and Apu, the Kwik-E-Mart clerk on the Simpsons. 
He started off by saying, “Congratulations”.  I asked, "For what?"  He said, “You have been selected to be a recipient of a federal grant”.  Immediately my mind start going into LP mode.  I acted excited and amazed and asked, “What do I need to do to get my money?”  “You just need to call the following number and give them this code”, was his response…and he gave me a four digit number. 
Now, I’ve been in Loss Prevention long enough to know a scam when I hear one and believe me, this was a scam.  But I enjoy a good game from time to time, so I asked the guy, "How was I supposed to get my money?  Do you need my checking account number to deposit my check?"  He told me that he didn’t need anything and all I had to do was call the number and give them the code. 
So, you know me, I called the number.  When I called, a voice recording started playing.  It said, “The Magic Jack customer you’re trying to reach is unavailable at this time.  Please leave a message at the tone…..beep”. “ Hi, my name is Tim and I was told to call this number and give you this code and then you would send me a bunch of money…call me back.”  I left my number and hung up.
Guess what?  No one called!  So, I waited a day or two and called the number again.  Same results…voice mail.  I left a message and asked them to call me.  With no response in 5 days I decided to call the number again.  This time a person answered.  Again, the person on the other end sound like she was from India and had been a chain smoker for the last twelve years.  She said, “Thank you calling Federal Grant line how can help you?”  I told her the story of the grant and gave her my code.  I think I gave her the wrong number, but I really don’t think it mattered.  She said, “Oh congratulation!  You selected to get grant from Federal Government for $7,000.  Are you excited?”  She begins to tell me that I was one of 1700 people selected to receive this grant money and that the Federal Government was happy to help me.  Yeah, right!
It was just a few minutes into the call and she was telling me my home address and as she was telling me I asked her this question.  “Ma’am, how long will it take for me to get my money?”  She said, “Oh, just a few minutes”. 
She begins to tell me that all I have to do is go to my nearest Western Union and wire $190 to cover banking, and transactions fees and they would send me the $7,000 and my $190 back.  I told her, "Just send me the $7,000 less the $190."  “Oh no, she couldn’t do that.”  I said; Well just mail it to me, you have my address.  I mean I can wait a few days for a check.” “Oh no sir, we can’t do that either.  You have to go to Western Union and send $190 to cover banking and handling fees.” 
Back and forth we went and then I dropped the bomb on her.  I said, “Ma’am, I don’t know if you’re aware, but is this legal?”  Her answer was not surprising.  “Yes Sir…all legal.  The Government wants to help you.”  I said, “Okay, well I work with law enforcement from time to time, can I have your name and the company sponsoring this grant and maybe a website?”   The next thing out of her mouth was, “Sir, visit our website at www.grants.gov....Click!”  I busted out laughing.  It was great!
Nine times out of ten if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.  I knew when I received the first call that this was a scam and that I wasn’t going to get seven cents, much less $7,000.  However, you would be surprised at the number of people that go to the Western Union thinking they're going to be $7,000 richer, only to find that they’re scammed out of $190.  The feeling of embarrassment, humiliation and torment they must feel after realizing what had just taken place. 
Doesn’t that sound just like the Devil and how he operates?  He makes everything look and sound so good and appealing.  He lies, manipulates and connives his way into separating you from God; and many times he’s successful.  Once we've realized we've been "scammed" we’re ashamed, embarrassed and humiliated that we've allowed ourselves to be caught in such a trap. 
2 Corinthians 2:10 tells us that “…we are not ignorant of his devices", meaning that we know how the devil works and operates.  Be alert and aware that he’s out to destroy you, not help you.  Don’t give into the scams he throws your way.  You’re too smart for that. 
If you’ve already been “had”, take back what he stole by asking God to forgive you and to help you be more aware of your enemies devices…God will never disappoint.  
Just My Thoughts on A Page…

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