Wednesday, September 2, 2015

You Just Have To Make It

This past Sunday morning our Pastor was teaching and mentioned a very common scripture.  Psalms 100:1 “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all you lands.”  In his lesson, he said that the word “make” has a very distinctive meaning: to create.  I looked it up and the word is defined as a verb, to form something by putting parts together or combining substance; construct: create.  A second definition of make is, to cause something to exist or come about: bring about. 
That word, make, got me thinking.  What are we doing to form, put together, construct or create, to bring about a noise of joy for our God? 
In my research I found that there are many scriptures that include the words “make a joyful noise”.  However, not one of those scriptures includes having or being in a circumstance of joy prior to making said noise.  They all say make or create a joyful noise, and to me that would mean in spite of our circumstances or situations. 
Sometimes we let our dysfunctional circumstances get in the way of approaching God and actually receiving a great blessing, a blessing that could bring about change to our circumstance or situation, and in the long run, a change to our attitude and ways of thinking. 
We’re human and we’re going to have bad days, but we can’t allow those bad days to get in the way of the blessings God has for us. 
Have you ever heard the expression, “Praise your way through”?  That’s exactly what making a joyful noise is; it’s praise to our God. 
Stop and think about it.  As I’ve already mentioned.  Not one of the scriptures says that we must be in a joyous environment.  However, each one mentions making a “joyful noise”.  So what is a joyful noise?
Joyful defined means feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness.  So when we make the noise, we’re not making just any noise, but one that has a tone of happiness, delight, cheerful and exuberant. 
Noise is defined as a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. It’s also defined as a series or combination of loud, confused sounds. 
So how do we make a joyful?   I think we’ve got to go back and remember all the great things God has done for us.  Remembering what He’s already brought us through and delivered us from can bring about enough excitement that we’ll want to give him honor.  We’ll want to create, construct, form and bring about a sound of expression, feelings of great pleasure and happiness so loud and unpleasant that it disturbs God so much that He takes time to come see what we’re doing. 
Creating a noise is easy.  We can cry out, scream, beat pots and pans together, stomp our feet, get forks out of the drawer and bang them on the counter top, use wooden spoons and beat on the pots and pans we used earlier to clang together.  We can bang on the piano or strum the guitar, we can blow our trumpets and clarinets with such force that our cheeks hurt, or we can just talk. 
Talk?!  Yes, talk. Remember, you’re doing this FOR God.  Not yourself.  Make a joyful noise UNTO the Lord. 
When I looked up the word noise, one of the definitions used was to talk about or make known publicly.  Sometimes all we need to do in our approach to God is just talk to Him. 
This morning, I did just that.  I talked to God and reminded Him of all the blessings He’d given to me and my family.  I reminded Him of His promises and thanked Him for bringing us out of all of our bondage and sin and delivering us from so much junk that life had thrown our way.  I took the time to create, form, bring about sounds and expressing my feelings of appreciation and love of a God who has yet to fail me, and in the process of making my “noise” unto God, it disturbed Him enough that he came to where I was and comforted my soul.  My noise disturbed Him so much that He blessed me for making it. 
In the process of creating, forming, building sounds of expressions and feelings of appreciation, I received a blessing.  I wasn’t looking for one.  It just happened.  I wasn’t expecting one.  It was just provided. I was just doing what the scriptures says do and giving honor to a God that deserves honor. 
I don’t know where you guys are in life or what life has thrown at you.  I don’t know what kind of situation you’re involved or what circumstances you find yourself.  I do know, however, that the word of God is true, it’s without reproach and every promise mentioned in it is ours.  I do know that if we follow the word and do what it tells us to do; we can find our self more peace and joy.  We may not find our self in a more peaceful or joyous situation or circumstance; however, we will find a more peaceful and joyous attitude and mindset to help us endure whatever the situation or circumstance may be. 
Do you want more of the presence of God in your life?  Then today, right now, stop what you’re doing and do exactly what Psalms 100:1 tells us to do.  Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.  You ready?  Let’s geaux!

Just my thoughts on a page….