Friday, March 11, 2011

Supposing = Home Alone

Something that’s been on my mind the last few months is whether or not I’m okay spiritually. I think that I am, but then I hear a sermon or I listen to lessons that make me question whether I am or not. Maybe that’s what they’re supposed to do, make me think. I recently heard a lesson from Rev. Charles Chargois, on the journey of Mary and Joseph returning from Jerusalem and realizing that Jesus wasn’t with them. When I heard the lesson, the first thing that came to mind was the movie Home Alone. I could see Mary and Joseph running around making sure the animals were watered up (gassed up), packing the camels and mules with the products they purchased at the market, making sure Mamaw, Papaw, Aunt Ester and Uncle Solomon had all their balms and ointments and last but not least asking if anyone had to go to the tree (restroom). With all the excitement everyone forgot one of the most precious cargo items…Jesus.

I can see Mary making the same statement Kevin’s mom said, “I feel like we’re forgetting something”. Then, as she rests her head on the back of the camels hump, she suddenly realizes and cries out, JESUS! She runs to Joseph and asks, “Have you seen Jesus”? Joseph replies in horror, “No! I thought he was with you”. What a mess they’re in now.

In Luke 2:44-47 it says that they did three things. They supposed, they sought, and they found Jesus. Are we doing the same? Are we supposing our spiritual life is okay? When was the last time you stopped everything and asked yourself, “Where is Jesus”? If you can honestly say he is right here then maybe you’re okay. It’s when you hesitate to answer the question is when I would worry, because you’re really not sure.

Mary and Joseph knew he wasn’t there because they checked every wagon, every camels hump, every donkey’s load, every family member’s cart. They knew he wasn’t there, so they retraced their steps. They went back to the last place they knew they saw him, the last place they felt his presence, the last place they heard his voice. They sought after him because they knew that having him in their life was worth more than any job that they had to get back to. Jesus was worth more than what any family member or friend thought about them. He was worth more than any amount of groceries and supplies that might ruin. Jesus was worth more than anything or any way of life that had to be given up or left behind. He was priceless to them….and they would do anything to get him back into their lives. They didn’t assume that he would find his way home. They didn’t say, well he should have been with us. No! They went seeking him.

I like what the scripture says about seeking…..take the steps it takes and you’ll find what it is your searching for. Now I paraphrased a lot on that….but it’s true. Mary and Joseph found what it was they were seeking after….in the church. Isn’t it funny how when you’re looking for Jesus, you usually find him in the strangest places? Who would have thought that a twelve year old would be at the temple? Who would have known that the man sick of palsy would have found him teaching in a neighbor’s house? Or the woman with an issue of blood would have found him in the streets….I love each one of these stories, because the outcome is the same. They were all healed. Not only the outcome but the beginning….they each had to suppose and realize they didn’t have the answer or the thing needed to supply the need they had. They each had to get up, even if they had to ask friends to help, and seek Jesus. Then they each received what they went seeking after. And in some cases, they got more than what they were seeking for.

So, I guess it comes down to this. Are you supposing Jesus is with you or are you 100% sure he’s there? If not, get up and seek him. If you need a friend to help call me.

Just my thoughts on a page…..

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