Thursday, October 13, 2011

Please share...It will make a difference.

I know this is an article that most will not want to read and may chose not to, but I would hope that those of you who do read it will pass it along to others.  I want to see people live life to its fullest.  The negative thoughts and deception that the enemy is putting into the minds of our youth and young to middle aged adults really bothers me. 
I know that suicide is a subject we don’t talk about, but it’s a real problem that is affecting too many of our families today.  It’s my opinion that it should be discussed in our homes, schools and churches, mainly because I don’t think people realize the finality of the act.   Some are looking for attention and don't know how to ask, while others are just looking for a way out and don't know any other way. 
According to the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, suicide is now among the top ten leading causes of death in the US.  Ladies and Gentleman, that’s terrible news.  Also, according to the latest statistics from the same source, suicide has been on the rise since 2005.  Over 30,000 people a year take their life because they seem to think they are better off dead.  What’s even more disturbing is that for every 1 suicide, there are up to 20 attempts.  Folks, that’s a lot of people that are unhappy and thinking the wrong way.  Ending life that way isn’t the way out, starting over with a new life is…I’ll explain later.
I’m not sure how many of you out there have been affected by this dreadful act, but I know of a few that it’s affected personally, including myself.  I’m not writing this to bring back any of the hurt or the pain, but I do want to bring awareness to people that do read this blog.  Awareness of what, you may ask.  Awareness that there are people that we work with, go to school with,  hang out and even go to church with that are struggling.  They’re trying their best to deal with life and the struggles that it brings to the best of their ability and in their eyes the best way to deal with it is to take themselves out of it.  Friends, that's the wrong way to think. 
Here’s my question…What are we doing about it?  Maybe the better question is, why don't we start doing something called sharing?  I claim to be a Christian, but I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t done all I can do to show others that there is a better way.  I haven’t done everything in my power to share Christ and what He has done to make my life livable.  I know that He has given me a second, third and even a fourth chance.  My life isn't perfect and it's not without mistakes or mishaps, but I know where to go and who to go to when it gets too tough.  I've got to share that place and that person more with others who may be dealing with a heavy load. 
I know if we lead people to Christ and show them that once they give themselves to Him, He can make things new.  I think the Bible says in 2 Corinthians if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  My thinking is talking more about the great things He has done in our life will allow others to see that living for Christ is far better than living for man.  Even if that man happens to be self; living for God is much better and easier.  There is a better way; we just have to show them.  In Matthew 11:28 Jesus said, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  I've run to that rest many times and I know many of you have too.  Starting life over with Christ is the best thing I've ever done.  Sharing that revelation with others can do so much, if we'll just do it. 
Luke tells us that if we being evil know how to give good gifts unto our children: how much more will the heavenly Father give us the Holy Spirit to them that ask.  John 14 tells us that the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in His name, shall teach us and bring things to our remembrance that He has told us.  To me that means if we ask God for help He’ll do it.  If we ask God for comfort, He’ll send it.  If we ask for guidance, He’ll show us the way.  The toughest thing for someone to do is to overcome self and ask.  That’s why we need to be willing to poke our nose into their business and offer our experiences and testimonies of how God has helped us in our painful times.  We can't be whimpy.  We can't let the fear of "what will they think of me" be a reason why we let someone struggling with an issue slip by us.  Not ever again will I let a person, whom I know or don't know, go by without letting them know of a better way.  Thats a promise.
The statics say that there are signs people show before they decide to take drastic measures.  Some of the signs include, low mood, a sense of hopelessness, increased alcohol or drug use, giving away possessions and expressing outwardly a desire to die.  There are dozens more that I don't have time to share here, but we need to ask God daily to make us more sensative to those around us that are hurting.  Open our eyes to those around us in distress and let us see their pain.  Open our ears to hear the cry for help in the voices of those who are troubled.  And to let us see and hear the signs of those who want a way out.  To give us the boldness to share with others the experience of His Spirit and comfort that's brought us through.
Don’t let someone who is showing these signs pass by without taking notice and asking questions.  Take action and share Christ…remember, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think…Do all that you can to bring hope into the life of a person who may seem hopeless. 
He helped us....what makes us think He won't help them?
Just my thoughts on a page.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent commentary. Feelings of isolation are detrimental to our health and spirituality.

    Keep up the blogs, you are making a difference.

    Bro DL
