Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bah....Humbug! But I Got Over it.

You’ve had those days where you get up in the morning and before you brush your teeth you can tell that the day isn’t going to be a good day. Well, that’s how I woke up this morning. My alarm clock went off and I did my usual morning routine; stretched, scratched, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and went to my room to pray.

As I began to pray, I asked God to protect my friends who are traveling, I prayed for my family and work associates and then I prayed for my enemies and those who dislike me. I’m not sure why I prayed that prayer this morning, but the more I prayed for my enemies the more irritated I became. I know you’re not supposed to get irritated when you pray, but this morning I did.

I begin to think on what I asked God to do for them; bless them, encourage them, strengthen them, and to bless their finances. Then I got selfish and begin to think of my own situations and things that I’m dealing with and I asked myself, why in the world would I ask God to help them when I’m in need of some of those same things?

The more I thought about it, the worse my attitude got. I thought to myself, this is Christmas. It’s the time of the year to be merry and jolly and gay. Not that kind of gay, but you know what I mean; and I’m not feeling any of those emotions today. I had chosen rather to focus my attention on my “problems”. I’d chosen to allow the things I can’t change to affect the way I feel and how I treat my family and those around me. Bah…Humbug! That was my attitude this morning.

Then it happened, just as it always does, God gets my attention. As I was driving to work I turned my radio on and the show I listen to each morning was doing a “Break in Christmas”. It’s a bit where they break into a family’s home and leave toys and clothes and all kinds of stuff for this family. As I listened, they started revealing all of the issues and problems this family had to deal with throughout the year. Things like their child being hit by a truck and having to deal with brain trauma for the rest of his life, the mother having to deal with fighting breast cancer, and as they list about 3 to 4 other issues I realized; my life and my problems are not so bad.

I have two great boys that are healthy and in great shape. I know where both of them are and I know that their safe. I have a great wife who is healthy and loves me in spite of my attitudes and bad moods. She cares for our family and she takes care of me and our boys. I have a roof over my head, a car to drive, and food on my table and although I may not have “extra” in my pocket, I am a blessed man. I have good health, I have a job, and most importantly I have a God who loves me. Why shouldn’t I be asking God to bless those who may not be as blessed as I am?

So again, I ask God to bless my enemies, strengthen them in all they do, encourage them to be more and do more and bless their life with good health and prosperity. Maybe they dislike me because God has been good to me and my family and they want what we have; mercy, grace and God’s goodness and His correction...I’m thankful that He knows how to get our attention…even at Christmas. May God bless you this Christmas and may each of you remember to pray for your enemies….even if it irritates you to do it. You’ll be blessed for it.

Just my thoughts on a page...

1 comment:

  1. Genuine, and something that we all relate to.
