Wednesday, October 3, 2012

That Ain't No Sheep!

Wow….It’s been too long since I’ve posted a new blog. With Facebook and Twitter getting all the attention, it’s hard to post something every week.  However, I’ll try to post something more frequently. 
 Typically I try to make my blogs inspiring, encouraging and uplifting; however, this one may be a little straight forward, but my hope is that those that read it become inspired to make a change, encouraged to leave a hurt or past behind and uplifted to see that Christ is for them not against them. 
I know a lot of people that have been hurt, pushed down, stepped on, ridiculed, looked down upon, cast aside, and heartbroken by so called “christian” people.  I deliberately left that word un-capitalized because those people aren’t Christians….there wolves dressed like sheep.  Matthew 7:15
Jesus told us in Matthew 10:16 that He was sending us out as sheep in the midst of wolves and to be wise and harmless.  Ezekiel 22:27 says, “Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. 
Most of those doing the hurting, shedding the blood and destroying souls are no longer apart or around.  People of that caliber usually don’t hang around long.  They’re literally like a wolf going from one herd to another, destroying whatever and whomever it can.  So my questions to those hurting are “where are you” and “why aren’t you around any longer”?  I think I may know the answer to those questions, so don’t answer them in the comment section of this blog…LOL. 
Just like some of you I’ve been let down, pushed down, ridiculed, talked about, laughed at, made fun of, told I’d never amount to anything, left out, lied on, made to feel as if I wasn’t important, taken advantage of, made to feel that my dreams were not important, and some of that by people who were supposed to be “christians”.  All of those actions were done to me by man, not by God.  I've come to realize that we've put too much hope, trust and faith in “man” thinking he had our answers and not enough hope, trust and faith in Christ who is our answer.  He told us in Matthew 7:15 to "beware" and that we'd know the wolves by the fruit they produce.  Our problem is we don't make ourselves aware of the fruit and when we get hurt we tend to walk away from God thinking that somehow its His fault.  He loves us to much for that.
We’ve all asked the questions, how can God allow a person to treat others in such a manner?  How can God allow us to go through that kind of torment and that kind of pain?  Why God must we face the fierce teeth of the wolves that devastate our soul, that drive us to a point of possible spiritual death?  I’m sure Joseph asked those same questions when his brothers threw him in a well and then sold him into slavery.  I’m sure he felt the bite of the wolf while sitting in a jail cell for something he didn’t do, I’m sure he felt betrayed and humiliated, but he never lost hope in God.  He never blamed God…..He just kept trusting….he endured till the end and look at all the ways in which God blessed him.
I said in a post on my Facebook page that I’m really bothered by the fact we have so many that are away from God because of a hurt.  My hope today is that you’ll come back.  Realize that it was a man/woman that hurt you, not God.  It was someone who didn’t care about your feelings, only their own self will.   It’s not too late to allow God to heal the bitterness and remove that brokenness you feel.  It’s not too late to allow God to bring peace back into your life.  It’s not too late to allow the Comforter to do exactly what He came to do in your life.  All you have to do is ask.  He’s ready to give that peace that passeth all understanding.
I wish we would all learn and do Colossians 1:8-9:  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Answer these questions for me.  How many chances has God given you?  Will you give Him one?
Just my thoughts on a page….


  1. Thank you so much for this... I NEEDED THIS!!!! You are awesome Tim Hatten!!!!

  2. I couldn't remember if I commented on this post, so I read it again.
    I really like the reference to Joseph; one of my favorite stories.
