Saturday, August 18, 2012

Come On...Walk It Out!

This week we had our monthly employee of the month meeting at work and our Sr. VP was discussing a new fund raiser for Alzheimer’s called Walk for A Cure.  After his presentation, our HR manager got up and said that she thinks if we meet our goal of raising ten thousand dollars, our two VP’s should do the “Walk it out” dance. 

Now most of you who read my stuff will be wondering what in the world is the “Walk it Out” dance.  Well, there’s a group of rappers called UNK that perform a rap called, Walk It Out.  Basically it’s a beat with the words “walk it out” thrown in and a bunch of folks “jiving” around.  It’s a funny video you can watch on YouTube. 
During the meeting I have a responsibility to talk about a things concerning safety.  As I was approaching the podium to give my presentation, someone said out loud, “Tim, you should do the walk it out dance too”.  Laughing I said sure, only if someone shows me how, because I’d never heard of this “walk it out” dance.  So, the two VP’s pulled up the video on YouTube and showed it to me. 
All during the day as I would pass different one’s they would say, “Walk it out, Tim” and I would just laugh and keep walking.  

That’s what we’re supposed to do anyway…walk it out!  Philippians 3:13-14 says, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” 
I’m not worried about what’s behind me, because it’s in my past and doesn’t affect me…I’ve walked it out.   I’m really not worried about what I have in front of me, because when I have troubles to deal with, I’m going to walk it out.  If I have difficult task that I’ll have to face, I’m going to walk it out.  Pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God….walking it out! 

Now, about 80% of you reading this will go to YouTube and pull up the video.  Once you see it you’ll realize how silly the people look “Walking it out”.  Don’t let that bother you.  Looking silly is the least of our worries when it comes to walking through our problems.  I could care less how I look as long as I can make it through to the other side.  I’m sure Peter looked ridiculous as he stepped over the side of the boat and “walked it out” on the water.  I’m sure Daniel looked crazy “walking it out” in a den of lions, but he came through.  I’m sure Jonah felt a little crazy as he “walked it out” in the belly of a big fish.  I’m sure none of these folks worried about how they looked while walking toward the mark, they just kept walking. 
So the next time you face discouraging news just remember it’s your time to shine…Walk it out!  The next time you experience a storm just look at it as a time to dance…Walk it Out!  The next time the enemy throws a problem at you and you don’t know how you’re going to handle it…Walk it out!

As the rap goes, “walk, walk, walk, walk it out”.  You have a prize at the end of the path.
Just my thoughts on a page…

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