Saturday, August 18, 2012

If It Wasn't For The Lord...

There s a song we sing from time to time that asks a question, “If it wasn’t for the Lord, where would I be”.  Just in the last few days I’ve read and heard about people who are getting divorced, others having lost spouses due to sickness or have sick loved ones with disease and even some with financial troubles in their life.  As I think about all the issues people are having or have had, I stop and ask myself, what makes them any different from me?  The answer is…nothing.  However, if it wasn’t for the Lord.

As I think about the people who have gone through their problems and worries of life, again I stop and ask myself, how have they made it?  How did they make it through all the stress and issues that life sometimes brings?  Where did the strength come from?  What kept them going?  All of those questions can be answered with on little phrase…If it wasn’t for the Lord. 
I don’t know who’s going to read this, but to those that do I want you to know that God can.  God can do what, you ask?  It’s not an unfinished question or a cheesy statement.  It’s a definite proven fact…God can do anything.  You just have to put your trust in Him. 
God can…provide me with strength.  God can…help me financially.  God can…help my marriage.  God can…help me with my problems.  Whatever it is you're facing...God can.   If it wasn’t for His mercy, His forgiveness, His grace, His guidance, His strength, His direction, His still small voice whispering, “Keep going” there is no telling where we would be.  We’ve put our trust, our hope, our dreams and our lives into His hands and we know that whatever we have to face, He’ll see us through it. 
He may not have answered the first time we hollered out to Him in desperation, but somehow we knew He was there with us to help us face every storm we encountered.   God has never let us down, nor has he ever forsaken us.  If it wasn’t for the Lord, where would I be? 
Answer this question honestly.  If it wasn’t for the Lord….where would you be? 
Just my thoughts on a page…

1 comment:

  1. I really like this article; thought provoking and so very true.
