Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Be Ready For Anything In 2013

It’s the beginning of a new year and we’ve all made new resolutions, new goals and set out to accomplish new task in 2013.  I’ve often said with the setting of new goals come new challenges and oppositions.  I forget who it was that told me, if you set goals or make plans to accomplish something, keep it to yourself.  They said, the enemy will throw everything he can at you to keep you from achieving those goals and accomplishing what it is you’re trying to achieve.  I believe that’s true, but even if you kept it to yourself the enemy will still throw opposition at you.  He’s not blind, deaf or stupid; however, he is defeated.  
How do you keep the enemy from opposing your every move?  If I knew the answer to that question I’d probably be a rich man.  It’s his job to keep you from accomplishing your dreams, achieving your goals and seeing things you set out to do come to pass.  He was removed from his position of authority and cast down to earth to roam as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may destroy.  He’ll never stop trying to kill your dreams and goals and nether should you. 
I have a Pastor friend of mine, Rev. Mark Foster,  who has started off this year with the theme of “Believe 2013”.  I think that’s one of the answers to achieving success…you’ve got to believe.
1)      Believe in Jesus Christ.  If you believe in Christ and trust His words, you’ll never go wrong.
2)      Believe in the Word of God (the Bible).  Remember how Jesus was tempted after He fasted 40 days and nights?  What did He use to overcome Satan…The Word!
3)      Believe in yourself.  Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”. 
I know that the enemy is trying his best to keep each and every one of us from achieving what it is we want to accomplish.  But remember, he’s already defeated and if you’re a believer in Jesus Christ you’re already a winner.  Just keep pushing on.  You’re going to get there.  Don’t stop just because you’ve been hit with opposition. 
I don’t know why, but the story of Job and the temptation of Christ are two areas that stand out to me when I think of how the enemy tries to destroy what we’ve worked so hard to achieve.  Although both had two completely different issues and circumstances, they both come out on top…literally.  Job had more than he started with and Jesus was literally on top of a mountain, being entertained by angels when the enemy left. 
What was their secret to overcoming the opposition the enemy threw their way?  They didn’t believe what the enemy had to say or show them as fact.  They trusted in what they knew God had already accomplished in their life and what the Word of God promised. 
You’ve got goals, right? You’ve got plans to accomplish, right? Don’t think for a moment the enemy isn’t going to show up at some point and try to tempt you by showing you how great something can be.  He will, and you’ll be standing there, just like Jesus with a decision to make. 
I mentioned earlier that Pastor Mark started the year with the theme of Believe 2013…one of his quotes from Facebook is “Your decisions determine your destiny”.  We’ll have decisions to make in 2013 because we’ll all have opposition to face in 2013, but it’s what you do and the choices you make when faced with those oppositions that will determine your success.  Keep believing…In Christ, in His word and in yourself.  Remember, 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Just my thoughts on a page…

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