Monday, April 29, 2013

Three Words We Don't Hear Anymore

The last week I’ve had the privilege of working with our overnight crews, and for the most part I’ve had a fairly positive experience.  However, I’ll be honest with you, working overnight is very tiring and I don't think I would want to do it full time.

What’s working overnight have to do with the title of this blog?  Well, last night I decided to take my head phones and listen to some music and maybe some preaching while I worked.   I thought that by listening to something might make the night go by a little quicker and I wouldn't be so tired.  Well, it made the night go by quicker, but it didn't help with the wearyness. 
I started out listening to Pandora radio, but then I found a couple of messages of Rev Jeff Arnold and Rev Anthony Mangun on YouTube and got a little word while I worked. 
Both were really good, but for some reason Bro Anthony’s message really spoke to me and the title of his message included the three words we don’t hear anymore. 
Those three words are “Jesus is coming”. 
Now l know that I’m about to lose most readers, because those three words scare most folks.  We don’t hear Preachers preaching on that subject anymore because it scares people and we don’t want people scared or upset; we want people happy, excited and enthused. 
However, as a Preacher I think we have a responsibility to the saints to do exactly what 1 Thessalonians 4:18 says do, “Wherefore comfort one another with these words”.
It should bring comfort to us, knowing that soon we’ll be caught up in the air to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It should excite us that in just a short amount of time we could be walking on streets of gold, meeting up with our loved ones and getting to see Jesus for the first time.  I don’t know about you, but that excites me. 
I want to see as many people make heaven as possible and in order to do that I know that I’ve got a responsibility to inform them on how they can make it.  Just like Peter did in the book of Acts, I want to answer the question that many will be asking, “What must we do”.  The answers the same; repent and turn away from sin, be baptized in Jesus name and have those sins washed away and receive His Spirit.  It’s just that easy. 
So I want to encourage those of you who are struggling with finances…Jesus is coming!  I want to encourage those of you who are dealing with diseases and other health issue…Jesus is coming.  I want to encourage those of you who are dealing with all the issues the world can throw at you…Jesus is coming! 
It won’t be long and we’ll be singing in heavenly places and spending time with the One that died for us so that we might be able to live with Him in glory.  Yes, I want to encourage you with three words that we don’t hear anymore…Jesus is coming! You ready?
Just my thoughts on a page…

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate to the tiredness that comes with working nights for many years.
    You are so right, Jesus is coming, and it should always be comforting to hear those words, especially when we know the Comforter. Great encouraging article. Keep writing, you continue to do well.

    Bro. DL
