Friday, September 27, 2013

Jumping Ship!


This morning I was listening to the radio and a statement was made about “jumping ship”.  For some reason the first thing that popped into my mind was Peter stepping out of the ship to go meet Jesus on the water. 

My first of many thoughts…What in the world was going on inside that ship?  Secondly, what was he dealing with that was so bad that he had to get out and get out NOW?  He was willing to step out of a well build ship to get away from his surroundings and go where?  They were surrounded by water.  What was he thinking?
But then I begin to think that we have days like those now, don’t we?  “Those days” would be defined as days where the people, issues and circumstances around us are so bad we just want out and we want out now. If we were on a plane we would rather jump out or a ship we would rather swim to shore than ride any longer.  We could care less of the dangers involved, we just want out! 
Maybe that’s where Peter was at on this particular day.  Maybe he had just had enough of everything and everybody and with the storm raging, causing havoc on the ship, he took the only route he had available to him; which happen to be outside the ship on the water with Jesus. 
We hear the negative side of this Biblical story all the time.  How that Peter stepped out, but didn’t have enough faith to make it all the way to Jesus without sinking.  Well, let’s focus a moment on the positive side.  He stepped out of the ship and walked on water!  He got out of his dilemma!  Even if for a few moments, he got out and did something no other human on the face of this earth had ever done nor has done since.  HE WALKED AWAY ON THE WATER!!!
I love the fact that he jumped ship.  You know what I think?  I think we need more people doing that same thing.  We need more people jumping ship and walking towards Jesus.  Will you sink?  Probably, and that in itself scares the daylights out of all of us.  The problem is we don’t look at, as Paul Harvey would say, “The rest of the story”.   How that Peter was IMMEDIATELY grabbed and pulled to safety when he called out to Jesus.  That’s all it took for Peter to reach a safe place.  All he had to do was call out. 
So, what do you say?  Are you ready to jump ship and walk toward Jesus or do you want to stay in the boat and miss the chance of seeing what Jesus could do not only in your life, but the life and surroundings of those associated with you?  Because, had Peter not cried out, had he stayed right where he was and done nothing there was a possibility that Jesus would have passed him by.  He would have missed out on not only a great miracle for himself, but the people around him would have missed out on receiving a blessing. 
Sometimes, because of our “leap of faith”, others are able to enjoy a break in the storm they’re facing as well.  So, are you ready to jump ship?  Let’s geaux and see what happens!

Just my thoughts on a page…

1 comment:

  1. Great article. Keep it up, you are on it, I like it. May God continue to grant us the courage to step out onto water-walking faith.
