Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Don't Stop...Just Wait.

Many of you know that I enjoy posting to Facebook and I usually try to keep my postings positive, uplifting and encouraging.  This morning, as I was reading, I was thinking of something I could put on my page that would be just that; positive, encouraging and uplifting. 
A phrase came to mind that included the word “wait”, but wait wasn't a word that I thought could be positive, encouraging or uplifting.  If anything it can be taken as a negative.   Who wants to stop progress on something they feel is important?  No one!  However, waiting is something we must learn to do if we’re going to be successful. 
Now, I’m not the most patient person in the world, just ask my wife.  So when I get a notion to do something I want it done right now.  I want to get started with putting things in motion and putting people in place, processing or developing programs and on and on and on….you get my picture.  I have ZERO patients, so when I’m told to wait I sometimes get upset, disgruntled and even downright mad.  Ok, I confess…I’m not a good “waiter”.
So what do you do when you’re asked to wait?  You wait!  But just waiting wasn’t the only word that came to mind while I was reading.  Remember, I said it was a phrase.  That phrase was, ”Wait on the Lord”.    
It was like a light bulb came on in my mind.  “Wait on the Lord” isn’t what you would think it would mean.  I’m not supposed to stop and march time while God does things.  I’m supposed to SERVE Him while He does things.   
Psalms 27:14 says, “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. 
Don’t hang your head because you’ve been asked to wait!  You’ve been asked to wait for a reason.  There is someone going through something that God knows you can help Him with.  WOW! What an honor that God asked us to help Him.  Serve Him…He’ll provide you with the strength you’ll need to complete the task.  Waiting ON the Lord is serving Him while you’re waiting FOR Him.
Psalms 37:34 says, “Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.
It’s while we serve Him that he opens new doors and allows us to see new heights that we may not have seen had we continued on the journey without pausing to help others. 
Bottom line is, don’t let the word wait get you down.  You’ve been asked to wait for a reason.  Look around you.  What do you see?  Who around you needs help?  What situations can you identify that you’ve been through?  You can provide insight, guidance and strength to someone facing that same issue.  You’ve got a testimony…use it! 
Waiting on the Lord is fulfilled by helping others see Christ.  Someone around you needs Him.  So, what are you going to do?  Sulk because you can’t go forward with “your plans” or serve Him by helping others see Him? 
Just my thoughts on a page...

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