Monday, December 29, 2014

One Thing Required

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be hearing a lot about the New Year and all of the “changes” that people want to make.   I will be one of them.  I’ve got a lot of plans for 2015 and I know that many of you do as well.  However, I don’t want us to forget one thing that will help us all succeed in our endeavors over the next 12 months.  We’re NOT perfect! 
That’s right.  We’re not perfect.  We’re going to make mistakes and we’re going to fall on our faces a time or two, but we don’t have to stay down.  Getting back up and starting again is vital to our achieving the goals that we’ve set for ourselves.  However, we’ve got to have a little bit more than persistence to make our dreams a reality. 
If there is one thing I’ve learned, as a new Sales Rep, on how to be successful is you’ve got to plan.  Every week I sit down and “plan” what new items I’m going to show my customers.  I also plan how I’m going to learn more about the restaurant and how I can better serve them.  In order to do that, I’ve got to ask and answer a few questions. 
Bottom line is, Sales Reps must plan how they’re going to present items to customer and explain the benefits in a way that they can’t go another day without it.  Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but all the time we plan.  Because if we don’t, guess what?  Yep, we fall on our face. 
Same idea can be brought into our life.  If you’re going to set goals for the New Year, make a plan to achieve those goals.  Write out the goal you have in mind, then ask the following questions.  What is the first step?  Who will be involved, if anyone?  Is there a financial involvement, if so, how will you pay for it? 
If you’ve got a plan prepared and you fall, because remember you’re not perfect, you’ll be more likely to get up, dust off and restart down the path you’re walking.  Sticking to the plan you’ve written can help you overcome some of the adversity that you may face.  If you don’t have a plan and you face adversity, many of us would just quit and never restart. 
So let’s get started on our goals.  Let’s not look back on 2015 and ask, “I wonder why I didn’t succeed in achieving my goals”?    Let’s look back on 2015 and say, “look at what I did and this is how I did it”!  
My Thoughts On A Page…

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