Saturday, July 17, 2010

Getting past the "one times"

Today I had an opportunity to attend a mens conference in Mt. Pleasant Tx. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of the host church or the Pastor, but I do know the speakers. Rev Carl McLaughlin and Rev Charles Chargois.

Both did an outstanding job. But of course, I must pay tribute to my Pastor, Rev Charles Chargois. He did an outstanding job ministering "Morality is a Mindset". He does an outstanding job of challenging me which is why I'm posting this tonight.

I'm trying to make changes to be and do better. I'm trying to be a better father to my boys, a more compassionate, understanding, loving, listening husband to my wife, and a better employee for my employer. Not that I haven't been good in these areas, but I'm striving to be better. However, I'm finding that making those changes is sometimes difficult...seriously!

I realize that change is something we all want to do. Some want to change their looks by loosing weight, cutting or dying their hair, growing a beard or even getting a tat. Some want to change jobs, change where they live, change churchs, change cars, or change their name. Foot, some times folks just want to change to change. Look at whatever it is your wanting to change in your life and ask yourself these questions. Am I really ready for what it's going to take? Am I ready to except the challenges and consequences of that change? Am I willing to committ? If the answer is yes to all of the above mentioned questions, then as Michael Jackson would say, "make that change". (lyrics taken from the song "Man in the Mirror")

The last couple of weeks I've tried to make a change in my character. I've tried really hard to focus on NOT letting myself get to a point of over reacting to quickly, by listening to what is being said and thinking before I respond, holding my tongue and keeping my opinions and comments to myself. But wouldn't you know it, the last couple of days I've had everything under the sun try my patience. I've had every idiot in the world push every button I have and I've managed to keep my cool...well, except for one time.

When we are trying to make changes in our life or to ourselves isn't that all it takes for us to question the change we are trying to make, messing up one time? You mess up one time and you step back and think "I can't do this". You mess up one time and you tell yourself that "it's just not worth the fight". You give in one time to your old way of life and think "I'll be this way forever". But that's not true. How many times did you fight the urg to give in and won? How many times did you walk away from the temptation of really letting someone have it and yet you kept your mouth shut? How often did you stop your self from going places or doing things you said you weren't going to go or do? ONE TIME?! REALLY!? You did AWESOME!

I think we are too hard on ourselves. I know I am. I beat myself up so much that sometimes I feel like I have two black eyes and a busted rib or two. To often people hang their head after a screw up and they tell themselves, "I'm worthless". But that's what we do. We beat ourselves up over and over and over again. We focus on the negative things we've done and not the positives. We look at the "wrongs" we've taken part in instead of looking at the "rights" we've accomplished. Get over the negatives and focus on the positive things you've accomplished. Move on from the "one times" and pick yourselves up and keep going.

Micah 7:8 tells us "Rejoice not against me, o mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise, when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me". It's taken me all this time to say this. You're gonna mess up! You're gonna fall! You're not perfect! You're gonna have dark days! But the positive to this revelation is this. GOD IS WITH YOU! You just have to get up. You can't stay down. To paraphase Ephesians 6:13-14"when you've done all to stand, stand therefore". Sometimes you just have to stop and stand. And believe me, standing ain't a bad thing. When you're standing you're not down, right?

Again....just thoughts on a page.

C ya!

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