Monday, July 12, 2010

You can change

Wow! That's really all I can say about the powerful service I was in last night at Calvary. And as I sat there all I could think about was how was I going to leave? How do you experience the grace and mercy of God and not leave different? How do you experience His love and compassion and not leave changed? How have I let myself, after so many years, not give in to what He has for me? Those answers are coming.

All day today I've basked in His presence and I've thought about what I've done with my life. What I haven't done with my life and how I could have been more effective or affective with my time? I've asked my self "why" and "how" so many times today it isn't funny....Why did you do this or that? Why did you let this happen or that happen? How did this get by me? How did that happen? How could I have been a different? How could I have changed?

I'm just thinking, but I bet there are a lot of people out there who have asked those same questions. The problem is, they keep asking the questions but they never stop to answer. Maybe they don't know how to answer. Today I had the questions answered. Here it is.....You change by releasing.

In order for you to be different your going to have to let go of some things. You have to let go of your past, let go of your pains, let go of the hurts, let go of the bitterness you've held onto for 10 years......just let go. And one of the biggest things you have to let go of is your "self". Last night I did just that, I let go, and you know it really feels great. There is a scripture that says He must increase, but I must decrease. That's exactly what I had to do. I had to let Him increase and let my "self" decrease. Was it easy? No...but when you realize that the road your traveling isn't going to bring you to the place you thought it would, you have to change roads.

I started this blog to express and share some of my inner feelings and some personal opinions as an effort to help someone through a crisis or a tough situation they may be going through. I hope that by sharing this short piece tonight that the next time someone is in a powerful presence of God and He shares his grace, mercy, love and shows compassion they let go of what ever it is their holding onto and leave changed.

Just thinking......

C - Ya!


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