Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blue Skies, Clear Water and Good Times

Vacations are a time when you're supposed to chill out, relax and spend quality time with family, right?  At least that's the way I think when it comes to vacations.  Chilling out with no worries or time limits, hanging out with the family and getting to know them a little better.  Finding out what been going on the last few months and helping them understand the whys and why nots of the situations they've faced. 

That's what I wanted to do during this vacation.  I wanted to hang out with the family and just chill.  I didn't want to do anything or go any where spectacular, I just wanted to hang.  So, this year I chose to go to Navarre Beach, Florida.  So far it's been great.  We've surfed, we've hung out on the beach and we've talked with each other and not at each other.  No yelling, no back talking about being hot or ready to leave....just chilling.  I've already heard one of the boys say, "This is the best vacation ever".  To me, that says a lot. 

As I sit hear on our balcony and write this, I'm surrounded by the sounds of waves crashing on the shore and as I look out over the gulf I can see the water as it turns from an emerald green into a dark, midnight blue and I think, God....You're amazing!   He made this by just speaking it into existence.  By saying one small sentence He was able to put this beautiful place into existence...and I wonder or doubt Him when it comes to my small matters. 

It's funny, I said I wanted this vacation to draw my family closer together, and it is, but it's also drawing me closer to my Creator.  When you stop and look at the world and the beauty that it holds you can't help but realize that God can do some amazing things.  We worry about our problems and our issues, but we never stop to think about letting the one who created the world take a shot a creating a way out for us.  Sometimes it takes getting to a place where the skies are blue and the water is clear for us to realize that we have a pretty amazing God and given a chance, He can do some pretty amazing things in our lives...we just have to let him. 

My thoughts on a page...during vacation...LOL!

1 comment:

  1. This was beautiful, Tim. I think God intended for us to bask in his beauty like this every day of our lives. Sometimes vacations remind me what life is really all about. It's great if we can learn to take that same mentality home with us.

    I love what your boys said: "This is the best vacation ever." They're probably loving the simplicity of everything. Sometimes children can help bring our lives into perspective because of their innocence and naivety, which--I'm sure--helps draw you closer to them.

    Thanks for sharing. :)
