Sunday, June 5, 2011

Education = Future

Over the last few months I’ve developed an understanding for success in any area of life.  That success is through the development of others.  In order for any business, organization, school, church or even country to be better, it must first learn that the development of its people is crucial to its success.  An individual isn’t put into a job or position without first having been trained, instructed or educated on what’s involved.  As a parent, I didn’t expect my children to grow up and know everything there is to know…I had to train them.  I had to put into them what was acceptable and what wasn’t.  If I wanted my boys to know how to ride a bike, I had to put them on one and teach them how to operate the pedals and steer.  If I want my oldest to know how to drive a car, I’ve got to allow him to have time driving a car so he’ll know what’s involved.  If we want our children to be successful in life, we’ve got to provide them an education. 

I’m not writing this as a part of any political event, because I don’t like politics or the games involved.  I’m writing this because I’m generally concerned with the direction our country is moving with education. 

Education is vital to the advancement of this country.  The more our children learn, the better our country will be economically and socially.  I’m not sure I follow the reason our politicians have for cutting funds to education.  Personally, I feel that education should have more money poured into it to keep those involved more interested in preparing children for the future.  Our teachers, principals, counselors, and librarians should be among the highest paid people in the United States.  Why, you ask?  They develop our children.  They encourage the broken hearts of children daily to complete tasks that some parents could care less if it’s complete it or not.   A teacher spends countless hours looking over papers and making test to evaluate the skills of the students in the class, and that’s not time spent in a class room.  Those hours are spent in the home, away from their own family, away from their own friends so that someone else’s child could develop into something worthwile. 

Our educators today have to deal with more than trying to get the attention of kids; they have to compete with the issues of the home.  Those issues may include parents who are divorcing, the molestations of the siblings, and the beatings of the mother or verbal abuse of the father.  Let’s be real, most homes today are homes with one parent and it’s usually the mother.  So kids are dealing with the fact that mom has to work two jobs in order to put food on the table.  They can barely keep their heads up at night to pay attention to what the child may have accomplished during the day and the child is discouraged because they think Mom doesn’t care.  Can you teach a child who’s dealing with that kind of home life?  We complain all the time about the children and how misbehaved they can be.  Put yourself in their position and tell me if you can be taught.  But we want to cut funding to education.  Do our politicians really think that cutting funds to education is the right thing to do? 

Americans, it’s time to stand up and be heard.  It’s time our kids are treated better than this.  It’s time that we let our voice be heard.  It’s been said, “The more we allow the unethical behavior and the immoral actions of others to go on, the more it’s accepted as the norm”.  The more we allow our Congressman’s and Senator’s to cut funding to areas that can directly affect the advancement of this country, the more they’ll think it’s acceptable to do. 

It’s not acceptable to send trillions of dollars overseas to help develop foreign countries.  It’s no longer acceptable to spend trillions of dollars on the development of projects and call it “other spending” and our kids are short cut on funding that might provide aide to teachers or funding for projects within the schools.  We’ve got smart, talented kids…provide the funding to education and assign projects to the schools and classroom students to help solve economic problems, social development issues, foreign aid issues or any other problem the Federal Government might have solving.    

We have the best teachers in the world right here in the United States.  Short cutting teachers on pay and other funding is no longer acceptable.  We’ve got to stand up Americans.  We’ve got to make calls, write letters, start talking about it more on our FB pages, tweeting about it on our Twitter pages…there are things we can do other than sit by and allow our politicians to have a free pass on writing off our kids and the future development of the United States of America.
The future success of our country is riding on what you and I do today.  I found this picture called education pays and it shows that the weekly income of a person without a high school education is less than $500 a week.  Can our economy stand on an income of less than $500 a week?  I doubt it.  But the budget is being cut in education....that makes sense, right?  If we want to see the future of the United States brighter than we've ever seen it, we've got to educate our kids.  We've got to ensure that they have an opportunity to achieve more than what they can learn on the streets.  Although street knowledge is can only be used in the streets.  I want my kids using not only what they can learn in the streets, but what they can learn in a classroom, library, science lab, business office and medical facility.
Just my thoughts on a page....and a half.

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