Saturday, July 30, 2011

Life...It's a Heartbeat.

Donna and I were driving home from where ever it was we had been and she said to me, I’ve got something you can blog about.  I said, do you?  She said, have you ever thought about how life relates to the heart monitor machine?  My response was, no not really.  Explain it to me.  She said you know how on a heart machine the line is going up and down as the heart beats.  Uh huh, was my response.  She asked me, what does that indicate?  I said, um it usually means that the heart is beating.  She answered me with great enthusiasm, right!  Then she asked me a second question.  What does it mean when the line is straight?  I said, that’s easy, it means you’re dead.  Her response back to me was in the form of another question.  So if a flat line means you’re dead, the squiggly lines mean?  I answered, that you’re alive.  She said, exactly!  You can blog about that.

Being the slow person that I am, it took me a moment to really understand what she was talking about.  I got it though.  The squiggly line that goes up and down with the heart beat means that you’re living, that there is life.  Just like the line, life isn’t flat.  There are times that you’re going to experience some uphill climbs.  There are times when things are going to be tough and you don’t know if you’ll make it or not, but you keep pushing.  Just as you reach the top or make it through the ordeal, you reach the peak.  Just like life, there are times when things are on the downhill side.  Things are great and you seem to be coasting along with no problems, everything is just easy and smooth.  Then you reach the bottom or the valley and the process starts all over again. 

The peak, that is where we all want to stay.  The view is great, the air is pure and clean, everything is perfect at the peak.  Our peaks are there as a reward from the climb we just made.  Our peaks are resting points and a time for us to be restored and refreshed.  The peaks of our life are full of joy, celebration and success.  The problem is, as much as we'd love to, we know we can’t stay there.  Sure our peaks are so much fun and exciting, but how would life be if all we ever experienced was a peak?

The downhill side of life is another area we want to stay.  It’s easy; you don’t have to do anything.  Life is just coasting by and there aren’t any issues to face or stresses to bother you.  The kids are good, the spouse is good, everyone’s health is good, the job is going great and the dog loves you.  Again, how much fun would life be if everything was a downhill ride? 
Nobody likes the valley or the bottom.  The valley is usually dark, gloomy and not a very pleasant place to be, but it encourages you to start the climb back to the peak.  In a valley you know that there is a peak in your near future.  You'll have to push through the valley and endure a climb, but in the back of your mind you know it's there.  Nobody wants to stay in the valley or at the bottom, so you doing everything you can to get out of it.  It’s the valley where you have to gather the strength to start the climb back up the hill.  It is in the valley that you figure out you can make it to the next peak.  It's at the peak when you look back at the valley and think, that wasn't so bad. 

That’s life.  It’s full of ups and downs, with high points and peaks, with low spots and valleys.  Without them life would be one flat line and we all know what a flat line on a heart monitor means…there is no life. 
So the next time you’re sitting in your bottom and you’re complaining about the problems you have to face, remember one very important thing.   You have life and the life you have is worth living.  Live it to the best of your ability.  You’re alive and kicking and that’s more than the people in the cemetery are doing. 

Just my thoughts on a page.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's A Brand New Day.

The last few weeks I’ve been coming to work and reading excerpts from the book God’s Wisdom for Your Every Need. It encourages me and lifts my spirit before I get my day started.  Today, I got to work feeling really down and depressed. I knew that if I didn’t get out of this funk I’d move through the day infecting everyone with funk, and that just couldn’t happen.

I wrote on my FB page this morning that today was a new day, and it is. Everything about today is new. There is nothing old or used, no flaws or imperfections in this day. There are new opportunities and new adventures that we’ve yet to experience in this day. We have the great privilege of getting to walk into this day knowing that it’s a gift from God. We get to leave the problems of yesterday behind us and have the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. I’m starting this day with new confidences that today will be a successful day.

After posting that, I get to work and opened the promise book and I begin to read this scripture. It’s in Romans 12: 10-11, 13. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;…distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

You know those “Wow Moments”, well, I had one after I read this and my funk begin to go away. I begin to realize that I’ve got a brand new day to serve God. I’ve got a chance to serve Him by serving others with affection, honor and diligence.

I begin to break down the words of the scripture and I started with affectionate. It means having affection or warm regards. So, I looked up affection. It means the actions of affecting…which means evoking a strong emotional response. I took this to part of the scripture to mean that with each person we meet today, we should have positive thoughts and show the individual that they are cared for and appreciated.

The second part of that scripture said, “…not lagging in diligence”. Diligence: persevering, speed or haste. Persevering: being steady, earnest and energetic. Earnest: serious and intent state of mind. Not lagging in diligence is to be quick and steady or consistent in your actions. Don’t wait or put off until later what can be done now. Persevere or push through the opposition that you may face in order to show kindness and love to your brother or sister.

Fervent in spirit was the next line that caught my attention. The word spirit wasn’t capitalized, so I knew it wasn’t talking about the Holy Spirit. It must mean man’s spirit or attitude. Fervent means very hot or glowing. It also means to exhibit or mark by great intensity of feeling; zealous. In a nut shell it’s having passion about what you do. Going after the things you want to accomplish and letting nothing get in your way.

So in this new day we have before us, let’s be encouraging to each other. Let’s show one another that we care about the other. Don’t wait to be respectful and honor one another, do it now. Be passionate and energetic in your service toward those around you who are in need. Because those around you who are in need will one day have an opportunity to repay you with the same passion, respect, honor and love that you’ll need.

Serving the Lord is something we do by serving others…Who can you serve today? Remember, it’s not about you or me. It’s about them and Him.

Just my thoughts on a page.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just Rambling...

The last few weeks has provided a lot of material for me to write about.  I've titled this blog Just Rambling, mainly because the things I’m writing about will probably sound scattered and may not make a bit of sense.  So here goes.

Some of you may know that I'm in the process of writing a small book on leadership. It's nothing big or profound, but I think it can be a tool that leaders can use.  A tool to help train young people who feel a call into ministry or want to become more involved in a leadership position.

The title chosen is really a simple one, but I think it says exactly what leaders need to understand. Chosen to Follow, Developed to Lead is a book based on principals Jesus used combined with Loss Prevention principals. The object is to help leaders develop those who are willing to follow and at the same time put knowledge in them that will help in leading others. Isn't that what it's all about anyway, helping others?

Family Matters:

This past weekend Donna and I had the privilege to attend a Build a Better Family seminar sponsored by Vow. For those of you who don't know, Vow is a program that helps coach couples who may be struggling in their marriage. They also provide pre-marriage counseling and coaching to couples who are thinking about becoming engaged or who may already be engaged. Donna and I have volunteered to become a mentor with Vow. We both feel that we have a lot to offer young couples.  We've been together 20 years,  we've been through stuff together and survived.  However, the stuff we've faced we had help from someone and His name is Jesus Christ. We want to share that with others and help them understand that d.i.v.o.r.c.e. shouldn't be in their vocabulary.  There is always a better way.

In the process of attending this seminar I got to thinking. This is usually a bad thing for me, but in this case it could turn out to be a very good thing. I was inspired to return to school and get my Masters in either Clinical Psychology or Counseling. Should I or shouldn't I is now the question I'm asking. I'm thinking yes, but at the same time no. Confusing? I may need a shrink before this is!

Stepping Out:

I feel like God is asking me to step out by faith and allow him to work through my life. The problem with that is how do you step out? What is the first step in stepping out? For over 20 years I've always known I have a call on my life. I'll have to blog about the experience some time, but that's another story for another time; however, this is a rambling blog. I've always known that God has given me a message to be speak.  People need to hear that there is a way to walk and a Companion that will walk with them, but how do you get it out there?  How do you get the ball rolling is a question I’ve struggled with for a long time. 

A few years ago I did have a few engagements; however, I must not have done a very good job because no one has asked me back....LOL! Well, one did. I just haven't taken him up on the offer, but I will very soon. That was ten years ago and God knew that I wasn't ready; however, now I feel like things have changed. God has given me knowledge, experiences, and most importantly He's given me understanding and I give Him all the glory.  So if you're reading this and you would like to have my wife and I come speak to your youth, young married or even your entire congregation: call me...LOL!

The Future:

I'm 42 years old and I have a lot that I'd like to see take place over the next ten years. I'm sure that whatever I focus on is what I'll see accomplished. Right now there are two things that matter most to me. One is my relationship with Christ and the second is my relationship with my family. So if anything interferes with either one of those, I know it's not where I need to focus my attention.  As I’ve said before, God has a plan for our lives.  Keep your eyes, heart and mind open because you never know how He’ll reveal that plan to you.

I know it's been rambling thoughts, but it's been thoughts that I could put on a page.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Has It Been A Year?

I was reviewing the dates and titles of my blogs and noticed I started writing on July 7, 2010 which is just over a year ago.  I remember I got started by reading a friends blog and I had this thought, I could write a blog.  So, I went to the same blog site my friend was using, opened up an account and started writing. 

Writing a blog hasn't been that easy for me.  Some people have an ability to write and some put a lot of words on paper...LOL!  That's how I feel.  This blog, for me, has been just a lot of words on paper.  Although some of my thoughts come across as a little "preachy", I try to stay focused on motivating and encouraging subjects. But I have to say that I've had a lot of people tell me they enjoy reading my thougths.  Not only have I had people say they enjoy it, but I've had some tell me it's helped them through tough times.  That, my friend, is what keeps me writing.

Looking back over the stats I see that I've had over 1600 people from all over the world read my blog.  I was amazed to see that people in Canada, Germany, The United Kingdom and even France have read my work.  I'm so touched and honored by that.  I have no idea who those people are, but I'm hopeful that I've touched their heart, encouraged their spirit and motivated them to become and do more with the words I've written.

It's been an amazing year and I hope that I can continue to post good articles, helpful tid bits, and motivating and encouraging words that will be beneficial to everyone who read them.  I love reading the encouraging comments that people leave.  Like I mentioned earlier, it's those comments that let me know what I'm doing isn't being done in vain.  There's a reason this was laid on my heart to do.  Maybe writing about how I've handled certain circumstances I've faced and the particular experiences I've had will help others who may be facing or experiencing the same ordeal.  I may never know how many people have been blessed by what I'm doing, but to know that I've blessed one is enough to continue. 

Thank you to everyone who's read my work. It's because of you that I do what I do.  Keep on going!

Just my thought on a page.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Great Power = Responsibility = Great Joy

For some reason I’ve been thinking a lot about a line from the movie Spider-Man.  It’s a quote from Uncle Ben when he and Peter are sitting in the car and Uncle Ben tells Peter, “With great power comes great responsibility”.  Power and responsibility, two things that have me stirred.  Why?  Good question… I’ll answer later in the blog. 
Power is something I think everyone wants.  When you think of power, one of the first things that comes to mind is strength.  Being able to lift heavy objects with ease and carry them for long distances is one way of having power.  Another thought of having power takes shape in the form of abilities, like flying or walking through walls.  Those are two powers I wish I had.  Think of the gas and the time I’d save.

Okay, so those of you who’ve kept up with my writing know that there’s got to be a definition coming soon.  There is. The word power is defined by as: the ability to do or act; great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force.  2. Political or national strength: 3. the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy: 4. Political ascendancy or control in the government of a country, state, etc. 5. legal ability, capacity, or authority: 6. delegated authority; authority granted to a person or persons in a particular office or capacity: 7. a document or written statement conferring legal authority. 8. a person or thing that possesses or exercises authority or influence.

When you stop and think about the word power and how it’s defined, we all have power...we choose not to use it.  Think about it.  If power is the ability to do or act, then we all have power because we each do or act the way we feel…sometimes.  If power is having the possession or command over others, then we as parents have power over our children.  If you’re a boss then you have control and command over your employees.  If you’re the owner of your home, you have power over the maintenance of your yard.  You’re the keeper of the kingdom, so to speak.  We all have power; we just seldom know how to use the power we have.
The part of the definition on which I want to focus is found in definitions 5-8 and it deals with authority.  If you have power then you have authority.  Authority: the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine. 2. a power or right delegated or given; authorization:

You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this thought?  How does the quote from Uncle Ben relate to these two definitions?  I’m getting there, just hold on.
“With great power comes great responsibility”, to me means if you have power then you have to use it responsibly.  The more power you have, the more responsible you need to be with its use.  If you have power you have it for a reason.  You must use it in order to be of service to others and if you choose not to use it, then you’re wasting precious abilities.  You’re being very irresponsible.

Some of you have an opportunity to access so much power and authority, but you choose not to accept the gift given to you.  Some of you have access to it and have accepted this gift, but you choose not to use the abilities or the authority that comes with the gift.  You ask, how?

Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:

Understand it now?  If you feel like the world is walking over you, you can have the power and the authority to do something about it.  Are you dealing with turmoil and confusion in your life?  You can have the power and authority to take dominion over it.  You just need to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
For those of you who have this gift, I have one question… why aren’t you using the power and authority that comes with the gift?  Remember the quote, “With great power comes great responsibility”?  You have a responsibility to use this power and authority to assist others with their problems.  There is more to the verse in Acts 1:8 and it reads, and you shall be witnesses unto me in both Jerusalem and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. 

Don’t be afraid to step out.  Don’t let intimidation rule your life and misdirect you away from the blessing God has in store for you.  Use the power.  Use the authority.  Then enjoy the joy that comes from it.  It’s your great responsibility!
Just my thoughts on a page.