Thursday, July 7, 2011

Great Power = Responsibility = Great Joy

For some reason I’ve been thinking a lot about a line from the movie Spider-Man.  It’s a quote from Uncle Ben when he and Peter are sitting in the car and Uncle Ben tells Peter, “With great power comes great responsibility”.  Power and responsibility, two things that have me stirred.  Why?  Good question… I’ll answer later in the blog. 
Power is something I think everyone wants.  When you think of power, one of the first things that comes to mind is strength.  Being able to lift heavy objects with ease and carry them for long distances is one way of having power.  Another thought of having power takes shape in the form of abilities, like flying or walking through walls.  Those are two powers I wish I had.  Think of the gas and the time I’d save.

Okay, so those of you who’ve kept up with my writing know that there’s got to be a definition coming soon.  There is. The word power is defined by as: the ability to do or act; great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force.  2. Political or national strength: 3. the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy: 4. Political ascendancy or control in the government of a country, state, etc. 5. legal ability, capacity, or authority: 6. delegated authority; authority granted to a person or persons in a particular office or capacity: 7. a document or written statement conferring legal authority. 8. a person or thing that possesses or exercises authority or influence.

When you stop and think about the word power and how it’s defined, we all have power...we choose not to use it.  Think about it.  If power is the ability to do or act, then we all have power because we each do or act the way we feel…sometimes.  If power is having the possession or command over others, then we as parents have power over our children.  If you’re a boss then you have control and command over your employees.  If you’re the owner of your home, you have power over the maintenance of your yard.  You’re the keeper of the kingdom, so to speak.  We all have power; we just seldom know how to use the power we have.
The part of the definition on which I want to focus is found in definitions 5-8 and it deals with authority.  If you have power then you have authority.  Authority: the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine. 2. a power or right delegated or given; authorization:

You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this thought?  How does the quote from Uncle Ben relate to these two definitions?  I’m getting there, just hold on.
“With great power comes great responsibility”, to me means if you have power then you have to use it responsibly.  The more power you have, the more responsible you need to be with its use.  If you have power you have it for a reason.  You must use it in order to be of service to others and if you choose not to use it, then you’re wasting precious abilities.  You’re being very irresponsible.

Some of you have an opportunity to access so much power and authority, but you choose not to accept the gift given to you.  Some of you have access to it and have accepted this gift, but you choose not to use the abilities or the authority that comes with the gift.  You ask, how?

Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:

Understand it now?  If you feel like the world is walking over you, you can have the power and the authority to do something about it.  Are you dealing with turmoil and confusion in your life?  You can have the power and authority to take dominion over it.  You just need to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
For those of you who have this gift, I have one question… why aren’t you using the power and authority that comes with the gift?  Remember the quote, “With great power comes great responsibility”?  You have a responsibility to use this power and authority to assist others with their problems.  There is more to the verse in Acts 1:8 and it reads, and you shall be witnesses unto me in both Jerusalem and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. 

Don’t be afraid to step out.  Don’t let intimidation rule your life and misdirect you away from the blessing God has in store for you.  Use the power.  Use the authority.  Then enjoy the joy that comes from it.  It’s your great responsibility!
Just my thoughts on a page.

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