Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's A Brand New Day.

The last few weeks I’ve been coming to work and reading excerpts from the book God’s Wisdom for Your Every Need. It encourages me and lifts my spirit before I get my day started.  Today, I got to work feeling really down and depressed. I knew that if I didn’t get out of this funk I’d move through the day infecting everyone with funk, and that just couldn’t happen.

I wrote on my FB page this morning that today was a new day, and it is. Everything about today is new. There is nothing old or used, no flaws or imperfections in this day. There are new opportunities and new adventures that we’ve yet to experience in this day. We have the great privilege of getting to walk into this day knowing that it’s a gift from God. We get to leave the problems of yesterday behind us and have the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. I’m starting this day with new confidences that today will be a successful day.

After posting that, I get to work and opened the promise book and I begin to read this scripture. It’s in Romans 12: 10-11, 13. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;…distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

You know those “Wow Moments”, well, I had one after I read this and my funk begin to go away. I begin to realize that I’ve got a brand new day to serve God. I’ve got a chance to serve Him by serving others with affection, honor and diligence.

I begin to break down the words of the scripture and I started with affectionate. It means having affection or warm regards. So, I looked up affection. It means the actions of affecting…which means evoking a strong emotional response. I took this to part of the scripture to mean that with each person we meet today, we should have positive thoughts and show the individual that they are cared for and appreciated.

The second part of that scripture said, “…not lagging in diligence”. Diligence: persevering, speed or haste. Persevering: being steady, earnest and energetic. Earnest: serious and intent state of mind. Not lagging in diligence is to be quick and steady or consistent in your actions. Don’t wait or put off until later what can be done now. Persevere or push through the opposition that you may face in order to show kindness and love to your brother or sister.

Fervent in spirit was the next line that caught my attention. The word spirit wasn’t capitalized, so I knew it wasn’t talking about the Holy Spirit. It must mean man’s spirit or attitude. Fervent means very hot or glowing. It also means to exhibit or mark by great intensity of feeling; zealous. In a nut shell it’s having passion about what you do. Going after the things you want to accomplish and letting nothing get in your way.

So in this new day we have before us, let’s be encouraging to each other. Let’s show one another that we care about the other. Don’t wait to be respectful and honor one another, do it now. Be passionate and energetic in your service toward those around you who are in need. Because those around you who are in need will one day have an opportunity to repay you with the same passion, respect, honor and love that you’ll need.

Serving the Lord is something we do by serving others…Who can you serve today? Remember, it’s not about you or me. It’s about them and Him.

Just my thoughts on a page.

1 comment:

  1. Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

    Enjoyed your word today. I know when I remove the focus from "my" so called problems and look toward the heavens, God changes the atmosphere.
