Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just Rambling...

The last few weeks has provided a lot of material for me to write about.  I've titled this blog Just Rambling, mainly because the things I’m writing about will probably sound scattered and may not make a bit of sense.  So here goes.

Some of you may know that I'm in the process of writing a small book on leadership. It's nothing big or profound, but I think it can be a tool that leaders can use.  A tool to help train young people who feel a call into ministry or want to become more involved in a leadership position.

The title chosen is really a simple one, but I think it says exactly what leaders need to understand. Chosen to Follow, Developed to Lead is a book based on principals Jesus used combined with Loss Prevention principals. The object is to help leaders develop those who are willing to follow and at the same time put knowledge in them that will help in leading others. Isn't that what it's all about anyway, helping others?

Family Matters:

This past weekend Donna and I had the privilege to attend a Build a Better Family seminar sponsored by Vow. For those of you who don't know, Vow is a program that helps coach couples who may be struggling in their marriage. They also provide pre-marriage counseling and coaching to couples who are thinking about becoming engaged or who may already be engaged. Donna and I have volunteered to become a mentor with Vow. We both feel that we have a lot to offer young couples.  We've been together 20 years,  we've been through stuff together and survived.  However, the stuff we've faced we had help from someone and His name is Jesus Christ. We want to share that with others and help them understand that d.i.v.o.r.c.e. shouldn't be in their vocabulary.  There is always a better way.

In the process of attending this seminar I got to thinking. This is usually a bad thing for me, but in this case it could turn out to be a very good thing. I was inspired to return to school and get my Masters in either Clinical Psychology or Counseling. Should I or shouldn't I is now the question I'm asking. I'm thinking yes, but at the same time no. Confusing? I may need a shrink before this is over...lol!

Stepping Out:

I feel like God is asking me to step out by faith and allow him to work through my life. The problem with that is how do you step out? What is the first step in stepping out? For over 20 years I've always known I have a call on my life. I'll have to blog about the experience some time, but that's another story for another time; however, this is a rambling blog. I've always known that God has given me a message to be speak.  People need to hear that there is a way to walk and a Companion that will walk with them, but how do you get it out there?  How do you get the ball rolling is a question I’ve struggled with for a long time. 

A few years ago I did have a few engagements; however, I must not have done a very good job because no one has asked me back....LOL! Well, one did. I just haven't taken him up on the offer, but I will very soon. That was ten years ago and God knew that I wasn't ready; however, now I feel like things have changed. God has given me knowledge, experiences, and most importantly He's given me understanding and I give Him all the glory.  So if you're reading this and you would like to have my wife and I come speak to your youth, young married or even your entire congregation: call me...LOL!

The Future:

I'm 42 years old and I have a lot that I'd like to see take place over the next ten years. I'm sure that whatever I focus on is what I'll see accomplished. Right now there are two things that matter most to me. One is my relationship with Christ and the second is my relationship with my family. So if anything interferes with either one of those, I know it's not where I need to focus my attention.  As I’ve said before, God has a plan for our lives.  Keep your eyes, heart and mind open because you never know how He’ll reveal that plan to you.

I know it's been rambling thoughts, but it's been thoughts that I could put on a page.

1 comment:

  1. Tim, Congats on stepping out! Everything looks & sounds GREAT! You've inspired me to look into starting my own Blog.
    God Bless!
