Friday, July 8, 2011

Has It Been A Year?

I was reviewing the dates and titles of my blogs and noticed I started writing on July 7, 2010 which is just over a year ago.  I remember I got started by reading a friends blog and I had this thought, I could write a blog.  So, I went to the same blog site my friend was using, opened up an account and started writing. 

Writing a blog hasn't been that easy for me.  Some people have an ability to write and some put a lot of words on paper...LOL!  That's how I feel.  This blog, for me, has been just a lot of words on paper.  Although some of my thoughts come across as a little "preachy", I try to stay focused on motivating and encouraging subjects. But I have to say that I've had a lot of people tell me they enjoy reading my thougths.  Not only have I had people say they enjoy it, but I've had some tell me it's helped them through tough times.  That, my friend, is what keeps me writing.

Looking back over the stats I see that I've had over 1600 people from all over the world read my blog.  I was amazed to see that people in Canada, Germany, The United Kingdom and even France have read my work.  I'm so touched and honored by that.  I have no idea who those people are, but I'm hopeful that I've touched their heart, encouraged their spirit and motivated them to become and do more with the words I've written.

It's been an amazing year and I hope that I can continue to post good articles, helpful tid bits, and motivating and encouraging words that will be beneficial to everyone who read them.  I love reading the encouraging comments that people leave.  Like I mentioned earlier, it's those comments that let me know what I'm doing isn't being done in vain.  There's a reason this was laid on my heart to do.  Maybe writing about how I've handled certain circumstances I've faced and the particular experiences I've had will help others who may be facing or experiencing the same ordeal.  I may never know how many people have been blessed by what I'm doing, but to know that I've blessed one is enough to continue. 

Thank you to everyone who's read my work. It's because of you that I do what I do.  Keep on going!

Just my thought on a page.


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