Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bah....Humbug! But I Got Over it.

You’ve had those days where you get up in the morning and before you brush your teeth you can tell that the day isn’t going to be a good day. Well, that’s how I woke up this morning. My alarm clock went off and I did my usual morning routine; stretched, scratched, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and went to my room to pray.

As I began to pray, I asked God to protect my friends who are traveling, I prayed for my family and work associates and then I prayed for my enemies and those who dislike me. I’m not sure why I prayed that prayer this morning, but the more I prayed for my enemies the more irritated I became. I know you’re not supposed to get irritated when you pray, but this morning I did.

I begin to think on what I asked God to do for them; bless them, encourage them, strengthen them, and to bless their finances. Then I got selfish and begin to think of my own situations and things that I’m dealing with and I asked myself, why in the world would I ask God to help them when I’m in need of some of those same things?

The more I thought about it, the worse my attitude got. I thought to myself, this is Christmas. It’s the time of the year to be merry and jolly and gay. Not that kind of gay, but you know what I mean; and I’m not feeling any of those emotions today. I had chosen rather to focus my attention on my “problems”. I’d chosen to allow the things I can’t change to affect the way I feel and how I treat my family and those around me. Bah…Humbug! That was my attitude this morning.

Then it happened, just as it always does, God gets my attention. As I was driving to work I turned my radio on and the show I listen to each morning was doing a “Break in Christmas”. It’s a bit where they break into a family’s home and leave toys and clothes and all kinds of stuff for this family. As I listened, they started revealing all of the issues and problems this family had to deal with throughout the year. Things like their child being hit by a truck and having to deal with brain trauma for the rest of his life, the mother having to deal with fighting breast cancer, and as they list about 3 to 4 other issues I realized; my life and my problems are not so bad.

I have two great boys that are healthy and in great shape. I know where both of them are and I know that their safe. I have a great wife who is healthy and loves me in spite of my attitudes and bad moods. She cares for our family and she takes care of me and our boys. I have a roof over my head, a car to drive, and food on my table and although I may not have “extra” in my pocket, I am a blessed man. I have good health, I have a job, and most importantly I have a God who loves me. Why shouldn’t I be asking God to bless those who may not be as blessed as I am?

So again, I ask God to bless my enemies, strengthen them in all they do, encourage them to be more and do more and bless their life with good health and prosperity. Maybe they dislike me because God has been good to me and my family and they want what we have; mercy, grace and God’s goodness and His correction...I’m thankful that He knows how to get our attention…even at Christmas. May God bless you this Christmas and may each of you remember to pray for your enemies….even if it irritates you to do it. You’ll be blessed for it.

Just my thoughts on a page...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SAD or JOY....I'll take JOY please.

Over the last few weeks I’ve heard people say things like, “I wish this season would get over quickly” and “Christmas is getting so expensive”.  I’ve even heard some say, “This time of the year makes me sad” or “During this time of the year I sure miss my ___”  With comments like that you wonder if this really is the most wonderful time of the year. 

However, for most this really is a great time of the year.  They love Christmas and all that it brings.  It gives them time to reflect on the past year, a time to gather with friends and family and celebrate the blessings God has given and a time to share with others who may not be as blessed. 
But for some this time of the year can really be hard.  There’s the grief from the loss of a family member, the lack of funds to cover all the parties and gift giving they’ll feel the need to participate in, the stress of having to create so many meals and bake so many different types of goodies…the list can go on and on and it makes us feel real blah or what some may call the “blues”.   
In my research to write this “thoughts” I found an article by Dr. Angelos Halaris, Psychiatrist with Loyola University Health System.  In this article Dr. Halaris contributes the blues we feel to a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.  In this article he says, “This time of the year many people are vulnerable to depression”.  He goes on to say, “the disorder (SAD) is characterized by depression, exhaustion and lack of interest in people and regular activities and it can interfere with a person’s ability to function properly”.  He also mentioned that the mood disorder occurs in the winter months and can be brought on or triggered by the lack of light due to winter’s shorter days. 
Now, I don’t know if I believe that SAD contributes to our “holiday blues” or not, but it makes sense.  However, I don’t want to focus my attention on SAD, it’s depressing. I want to focus on the complete opposite; JOY! 
Instead of allowing the lack of sun light to cause you to go into some sort blah mood, focus on the true Light of the holiday…Jesus.  He’s the whole reason for the season.  Remember what Christmas is all about?  Jesus was born of a virgin, placed in a manger, visited by kings and shepherds and all of this just so you and I could have JOY.   
We all know what JOY is, don’t we?  No, it’s not the feeling you get from getting the toy you wanted.  Nor is it the feeling you get from giving to those you feel are less fortunate.  No, this JOY can only be known from once source and that’s by what Jesus Offers You….JOY! 
The whole point of his birth was to provide you with a gift that would include peace and comfort like you’ve never known.  That gift was something only Jesus could give…the gift of Himself.   John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave…”  It says He gave; it’s up to us to receive what He’s offering. 
This Christmas, don’t let the hustle and the bustle get you down.  Allow the Light of this world to shine in and receive the most precious gift you could ever receive….Jesus Christ.  I promise you won’t regret it.
Just my thoughts on a page this Christmas.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Don't Miss it...Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving…..It’s supposed to be a day where the family gets together to celebrate and give thanks and honor to God for all the blessings He’s given. It’s a day where we take time to reflect on all the good that’s taken place and appreciate all the success that’s been accomplished, by God’s grace and mercy.

Over the last few years, I’ve noticed that Thanksgiving is getting more and more hurried through or pushed to the side. We get through Halloween and immediately start pulling out the Christmas lights, the trees and start writing our letters to Santa and making our Christmas wish lists. While Thanksgiving gets pushed off and left in the backs of our minds.

Retailers have taken notice of this as well. They’ve started opening earlier on Friday due to the anticipation and anxiety of the consumer to buy those “marked down” items for little Jimmy. They’ve noticed that the consumer has this “get it first” mentality and to “help” the consumer, they thought they would open the doors to the shop a little earlier.

This year, the retailers have taken it a step farther and decided to open its doors a little earlier. Like or not, some are going to open there doors at 10:00 pm or 11:00 pm on Thanksgiving night. REALLY?! So while the CEO’s and Presidents of these major companies are sitting at home, enjoying a nice cozy fire, watching a game or a movie or what ever; there will be someone’s dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, aunt, uncle working to get the stores ready to make those executives more money.

Never mind the fact that the associates may want to spend time with their family. Never mind the fact that the single mother who’s worked 55 hours every week for the past year just to keep food on the table, might be looking for that one day a year to spend with her 4 year old. Never mind that the manager of the facility was really looking forward to a day of hunting with his father and son. Never mind that the college kid that hasn’t seen his parents in almost a year is going to prolong a visit home because he has to work. Now, it’s all about the dollar and Thanksgiving is no where to be seen, felt or even considered.

Let’s take back the holiday. Don’t give in to the hoopla of the retailers. Take the time to spend with family and friends and reflect on the goodness that God has given to you over the last year.

Through out the Psalms David wrote, O give thanks unto the Lord: for His mercy endureth for ever. In the New Testament it’s written many times to, “Give thanks”. First Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. We need to take the time to do just that…Give thanks…as a family.

Don’t let Thanksgiving get pushed aside. Don’t let it be just another day. Take it back and give God the glory, honor and respect for all He’s done for you and yours this past year.

Just my thoughts on a page….

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Have I Got A Deal For You!

My phone rang the other night and when I answered it, the voice on the other end sounded like a mix between Urkel and Apu, the Kwik-E-Mart clerk on the Simpsons. 
He started off by saying, “Congratulations”.  I asked, "For what?"  He said, “You have been selected to be a recipient of a federal grant”.  Immediately my mind start going into LP mode.  I acted excited and amazed and asked, “What do I need to do to get my money?”  “You just need to call the following number and give them this code”, was his response…and he gave me a four digit number. 
Now, I’ve been in Loss Prevention long enough to know a scam when I hear one and believe me, this was a scam.  But I enjoy a good game from time to time, so I asked the guy, "How was I supposed to get my money?  Do you need my checking account number to deposit my check?"  He told me that he didn’t need anything and all I had to do was call the number and give them the code. 
So, you know me, I called the number.  When I called, a voice recording started playing.  It said, “The Magic Jack customer you’re trying to reach is unavailable at this time.  Please leave a message at the tone…..beep”. “ Hi, my name is Tim and I was told to call this number and give you this code and then you would send me a bunch of money…call me back.”  I left my number and hung up.
Guess what?  No one called!  So, I waited a day or two and called the number again.  Same results…voice mail.  I left a message and asked them to call me.  With no response in 5 days I decided to call the number again.  This time a person answered.  Again, the person on the other end sound like she was from India and had been a chain smoker for the last twelve years.  She said, “Thank you calling Federal Grant line how can help you?”  I told her the story of the grant and gave her my code.  I think I gave her the wrong number, but I really don’t think it mattered.  She said, “Oh congratulation!  You selected to get grant from Federal Government for $7,000.  Are you excited?”  She begins to tell me that I was one of 1700 people selected to receive this grant money and that the Federal Government was happy to help me.  Yeah, right!
It was just a few minutes into the call and she was telling me my home address and as she was telling me I asked her this question.  “Ma’am, how long will it take for me to get my money?”  She said, “Oh, just a few minutes”. 
She begins to tell me that all I have to do is go to my nearest Western Union and wire $190 to cover banking, and transactions fees and they would send me the $7,000 and my $190 back.  I told her, "Just send me the $7,000 less the $190."  “Oh no, she couldn’t do that.”  I said; Well just mail it to me, you have my address.  I mean I can wait a few days for a check.” “Oh no sir, we can’t do that either.  You have to go to Western Union and send $190 to cover banking and handling fees.” 
Back and forth we went and then I dropped the bomb on her.  I said, “Ma’am, I don’t know if you’re aware, but is this legal?”  Her answer was not surprising.  “Yes Sir…all legal.  The Government wants to help you.”  I said, “Okay, well I work with law enforcement from time to time, can I have your name and the company sponsoring this grant and maybe a website?”   The next thing out of her mouth was, “Sir, visit our website at!”  I busted out laughing.  It was great!
Nine times out of ten if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.  I knew when I received the first call that this was a scam and that I wasn’t going to get seven cents, much less $7,000.  However, you would be surprised at the number of people that go to the Western Union thinking they're going to be $7,000 richer, only to find that they’re scammed out of $190.  The feeling of embarrassment, humiliation and torment they must feel after realizing what had just taken place. 
Doesn’t that sound just like the Devil and how he operates?  He makes everything look and sound so good and appealing.  He lies, manipulates and connives his way into separating you from God; and many times he’s successful.  Once we've realized we've been "scammed" we’re ashamed, embarrassed and humiliated that we've allowed ourselves to be caught in such a trap. 
2 Corinthians 2:10 tells us that “…we are not ignorant of his devices", meaning that we know how the devil works and operates.  Be alert and aware that he’s out to destroy you, not help you.  Don’t give into the scams he throws your way.  You’re too smart for that. 
If you’ve already been “had”, take back what he stole by asking God to forgive you and to help you be more aware of your enemies devices…God will never disappoint.  
Just My Thoughts on A Page…

Saturday, October 29, 2011

There Are Benefits of Sitting In The Kitchen

It’s the fall of the year and we all know what that means.  It’s time to cook.  We’ve got school parties to provide cupcakes, cakes and pies.   There are neighborhood and friendly gatherings that we provide candies and treats and let’s not forget the church functions to which we take casseroles and soups.  My goodness, fall and winter is just full of festive gatherings.  We are constantly in the kitchen preparing for all of those wonderful times with family and friends. 
As you might guess, I’m sitting in the kitchen trying to put my “thoughts on a page” and Donna is in the process of making cupcakes for a fall youth function our church is hosting.  As I’m working on my notes and Donna is busy stirring and whipping the icing, it happened.  All of a sudden I’m interrupted with this smell.  It was such a delicious smell…chocolate cake.  The aroma coming from the oven filled the air with such a strong smell of chocolate… it is wonderful.  It was as if you could taste it without having it in your mouth.
I sat there inhaling the aroma and smacking my lips trying to taste the air as Donna continues whipping the icing mix.  The sound of the blender isn’t bothering me, but the smell of the icing mixed with the aroma of the cake baking in the oven is killing me.  My stomach is growling and my concentration is beginning to diminish.  I begin to ask myself, should I go into the bedroom and try working in there?  Then the most awesome thing happened.  Donna took one of the beaters from the blender and held it in front of my face.  Oh my goodness! The beater was full of cream cheese icing and the flavor of vanilla began to fill my mouth…and I haven’t even tasted the icing yet.  I asked the stupid question; is that for me?  The response was music to my ears and heaven to my mouth….YES! It tasted great!
Sitting there eating the icing, my mind went back to when I was a kid and I would sit at the counter watching my mom and grandmother cook.  Many times they would hand me a sample of what it was they were cooking.  From time to time, my mom would make a batch of no-bake cookies.  As she would drop the mixture of chocolate and oatmeal onto a cookie sheet to cool, she would drop some on a paper plate for me…good stuff, good times and great memories. 
Being in the kitchen, talking to the cook has its benefits.  You get to see the process of mixing the ingredients.  You learn of what special sauce is used to make the casserole taste so great.  You smell the aroma of food as it cooks and you see the results of the preparation before others.  Not only do you get to benefit from seeing, smelling and learning, but you get to sample some of the most delicious foods made.   Oh the joys of sitting in the kitchen. 
Not everyone wants to be in the kitchen because of different reasons.  Some think it’s too hot, the steam from the pots will fog up their glasses, the sound of kitchen appliances will drown out the sound of their voice or that they don’t have time.  For whatever reason there are relatives and friends who want to sit in other places, doing other things rather than sit there and talk to the cook.  They would rather be involved in other activities and miss out on opportunities to sample some of the most delicious foods.  Sure, they’ll get to enjoy the meal or the dessert at a later time, but they miss a great opportunity to developing a closer relationship, not to mention memories, with the cook. 
Sometimes I think people look at prayer in this manner.  They’ll get to enjoy time with God at church, but they miss the time to develop that closer, deeper relationship with Him through prayer.  By spending time in the kitchen with the cook we were “rewarded” with knowledge, insight and best of all small taste of food.  By spending time in prayer with God we’re “rewarded” with the same…knowledge, insight and small taste of His blessings.  Sure, we’ll get to experience His presence in a wonderful way come Sunday, but how special it is when He provides one of His precious blessings Tuesday morning all because we chose to spend time with Him in prayer.
You can’t go wrong when you spend time in the kitchen with God.  Although the sample of no-bake cookie dough was awesome….God’s sample of what He has for us later is far better.
Just my thoughts on a page…

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

Last month Donna and I had the privilege to attend an amazing marriage retreat.  We stayed in a lovely bed and breakfast in Jefferson, Texas, that had a beautiful antique bedroom suite.  On the walls of our room were old pictures of people from the 1800’s and letters from previous guest that had stayed in the room we occupied. 
The main house was more of a museum than a home.  It was filled with old antique furniture and stained glass, an old piano set in one of the rooms with old worn song books resting on top.  One of the bedrooms had an old hide a way bed with a mirror on the bottom.  When the bed was folded up it looked more like a large armoire than a bed.  It was a beautiful piece of furniture.
Okay, enough about the furniture and the house.  Let’s talk about the event and the activities involved.  What an amazing time we had.  We went on a scavenger hunt and bought little trinkets that reminded us of our family, our childhood, our first date and our wedding day.  We had a blast walking around this little antique town, talking to each other and just relaxing.  We met some pretty amazing people, heard some really inspiring stories and participated in an activity that we’ve never done before at a marriage retreat. 
This activity required skills in listening, communicating, support, leading, and last but not least, trust.  Aren’t these the skills we need in our marriages today?  This one event allowed us to use each one of these skills at the same time.  While we were participating, we discussed how our marriage could benefit from these same “steps”, if we would take the time to “practice”.   I know the suspense is killing you, so I’ll tell you…we were introduced to ballroom dancing!
Ballroom dancing, how can ballroom dancing help you in your marriage?  It helps in each one of the categories I mentioned earlier.  Listening, communicating what you’re hearing, leading your partner in the right direction, guiding each other around obstacles that may be in the way, supporting each other by holding them up, and trusting each other with each step made.
It was a funny sight to see Donna and me trying to learn the steps of ballroom dancing.  I’ll briefly give you an idea of what we looked like.  Who remembers the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine started dancing?  Do you remember what George had to say about it when he was explaining the scene to Jerry?  He said, “It was more like a full body dry heave set to music”, well that was us.  We were off beat, Donna was trying to look over her shoulder, I’m looking down at my feet, we’re both trying to count and walk at the same time…it was awful, just awful.  But you know what we did?  We stopped, we laughed, we caught our breath, and we refocused and started over.  By the end of the class we were swaying, twisting and turning like we were Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.   Okay, that’s stretching it a little, but we did get better. 
As we stopped, which we did numerous times, we would reflect on what the instructor taught us.  Count the steps, listen to the beat, and let the husband lead and the wife follow.  That was probably the hardest thing for two very independent people to do.  I wanted to lead, but Donna wanted to know where she was going so she was constantly looking over her shoulder.  This caused us to get out of step and walk on each other’s feet.   While I was trying to lead, I would have to slow down because other people were in my way.  I had obstacles that I had to move around, but when I slowed down I would lose the beat and have to stop.  But you know what?  We weren’t the only ones out of step.  There were others who were struggling with the same issues.  It was then that it hit me.  Everyone is dealing with something in their life that affects their marriage.  But you know what I saw that really amazed me?  Not one couple split up over the issue.  Each couple that had a problem did the exact same thing Donna and I did.  They stopped, laughed, refocused and started over. 
I’ve got more to say on this subject, so be looking for part two.
Just my thoughts on a page…

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Please share...It will make a difference.

I know this is an article that most will not want to read and may chose not to, but I would hope that those of you who do read it will pass it along to others.  I want to see people live life to its fullest.  The negative thoughts and deception that the enemy is putting into the minds of our youth and young to middle aged adults really bothers me. 
I know that suicide is a subject we don’t talk about, but it’s a real problem that is affecting too many of our families today.  It’s my opinion that it should be discussed in our homes, schools and churches, mainly because I don’t think people realize the finality of the act.   Some are looking for attention and don't know how to ask, while others are just looking for a way out and don't know any other way. 
According to the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, suicide is now among the top ten leading causes of death in the US.  Ladies and Gentleman, that’s terrible news.  Also, according to the latest statistics from the same source, suicide has been on the rise since 2005.  Over 30,000 people a year take their life because they seem to think they are better off dead.  What’s even more disturbing is that for every 1 suicide, there are up to 20 attempts.  Folks, that’s a lot of people that are unhappy and thinking the wrong way.  Ending life that way isn’t the way out, starting over with a new life is…I’ll explain later.
I’m not sure how many of you out there have been affected by this dreadful act, but I know of a few that it’s affected personally, including myself.  I’m not writing this to bring back any of the hurt or the pain, but I do want to bring awareness to people that do read this blog.  Awareness of what, you may ask.  Awareness that there are people that we work with, go to school with,  hang out and even go to church with that are struggling.  They’re trying their best to deal with life and the struggles that it brings to the best of their ability and in their eyes the best way to deal with it is to take themselves out of it.  Friends, that's the wrong way to think. 
Here’s my question…What are we doing about it?  Maybe the better question is, why don't we start doing something called sharing?  I claim to be a Christian, but I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t done all I can do to show others that there is a better way.  I haven’t done everything in my power to share Christ and what He has done to make my life livable.  I know that He has given me a second, third and even a fourth chance.  My life isn't perfect and it's not without mistakes or mishaps, but I know where to go and who to go to when it gets too tough.  I've got to share that place and that person more with others who may be dealing with a heavy load. 
I know if we lead people to Christ and show them that once they give themselves to Him, He can make things new.  I think the Bible says in 2 Corinthians if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  My thinking is talking more about the great things He has done in our life will allow others to see that living for Christ is far better than living for man.  Even if that man happens to be self; living for God is much better and easier.  There is a better way; we just have to show them.  In Matthew 11:28 Jesus said, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  I've run to that rest many times and I know many of you have too.  Starting life over with Christ is the best thing I've ever done.  Sharing that revelation with others can do so much, if we'll just do it. 
Luke tells us that if we being evil know how to give good gifts unto our children: how much more will the heavenly Father give us the Holy Spirit to them that ask.  John 14 tells us that the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in His name, shall teach us and bring things to our remembrance that He has told us.  To me that means if we ask God for help He’ll do it.  If we ask God for comfort, He’ll send it.  If we ask for guidance, He’ll show us the way.  The toughest thing for someone to do is to overcome self and ask.  That’s why we need to be willing to poke our nose into their business and offer our experiences and testimonies of how God has helped us in our painful times.  We can't be whimpy.  We can't let the fear of "what will they think of me" be a reason why we let someone struggling with an issue slip by us.  Not ever again will I let a person, whom I know or don't know, go by without letting them know of a better way.  Thats a promise.
The statics say that there are signs people show before they decide to take drastic measures.  Some of the signs include, low mood, a sense of hopelessness, increased alcohol or drug use, giving away possessions and expressing outwardly a desire to die.  There are dozens more that I don't have time to share here, but we need to ask God daily to make us more sensative to those around us that are hurting.  Open our eyes to those around us in distress and let us see their pain.  Open our ears to hear the cry for help in the voices of those who are troubled.  And to let us see and hear the signs of those who want a way out.  To give us the boldness to share with others the experience of His Spirit and comfort that's brought us through.
Don’t let someone who is showing these signs pass by without taking notice and asking questions.  Take action and share Christ…remember, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think…Do all that you can to bring hope into the life of a person who may seem hopeless. 
He helped us....what makes us think He won't help them?
Just my thoughts on a page.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Yeah...It Made Me Angry. What Will It Do To You?

Last night we attended a homecoming football game at our local high school.  Donna and I were talking the night before about this being homecoming week and I thought it would be a cool thing for us, as a family, to attend the game. 
It was a great night for football.  The air was cool, the moon was bright and there was a light breeze blowing.  Everyone was having a great time socializing and eating hamburgers, nachos and enjoying that cool refreshing RC cola.   I had diet…in case you were wondering.
As we sat there waiting for the game, the announcer came on and started introducing the homecoming court.  It was different than any homecoming court I had ever seen, but I was there for the game and to hang out with the family.  I really wasn’t interested in the homecoming court and who their escorts were.  When the announcer finished with the homecoming festivities, he asked if we would rise for a moment of silence; and that’s when my furry started. 
I thought to myself; did he really just say what I think he said?  That guy just asked us to stand for a moment of silence, really?  Why can’t he say, please stand for a moment of prayer?  We’re in East Texas for crying out loud.  Never mind East Texas, we’re in Texas!  NEVER MIND TEXAS WE’RE IN AMERICA!!!  Bro, if you’re afraid of offending someone over asking them to pray, you’re in the wrong place.
I noticed that some of the people had taken off their hats and placed them over their heart or behind their backs as a sign of respect.  Some were lowering their heads and you could hear the faint chatter of prayers throughout the crowd….which is what you should do during this time.  Pray for the players’ safety, the officials to be fair, the coaches to have good attitudes and that the kid next to you would sit down and be still….I think I’m turning into an old man, but that’s for a later blog.  However, there were some that didn’t do anything.  They didn’t lower their head, they didn’t take their hat off, and they didn’t stop talking.  They just kept doing what they had been doing and this really got under my skin. 
As we finished our “moment”, the announcer said, “Please continue to stand for the National Anthem”.  So we did, and as we did I begin to notice those same groups of people that continued to talk and gab put their hand over their heart.  Those that didn’t take their hat off now had it placed over their heart and  that kid that wouldn’t sit down and be still was still and quiet…God does answer prayers at a football game.  However, I thought, you want to talk and gab and run and be disrespectful during a “moment of silence” and now you want to put your hand over your heart as a pledge to America?  My heart sank as I watched this take place. 
We’ve lost our focus America.  We’ve put our trust in a system and that system has now failed us.  We’ve let a government try to run our lives and look what it’s gotten us…broke, jobless and an economy that’s in the tank.
Why can’t we go back to the way it used to be?  Why can’t we go back to prayer at the beginning of a game where we asked God to protect and guide?  Why can’t we as a Nation go back to “In God we Trust” instead of trying to trust a man.  Why can’t we have politicians who will stand and say, this is America and we as a Government will serve God who has blessed this Nation?  Yes, God uses men to do His work, but where are those men today.  Where are the men who know how to depend on God instead of their own abilities?  I posted on my FB page earlier this week, "it's not a question of "Will I make a difference?" Rather, it's "What difference will I make?” and I think that’s the question we need to be asking ourselves.  What difference will I make? 
This weekend marks the tenth anniversary of the tragic date of 9/11.  As we remember that day and mourn those that lost their lives during this tragic event, let’s take a moment and remember what God has done for us over the last ten years. 
Yes, we have men who have given their life for this Country.  But we also have a God who has given His life for our soul.  Yes, we have men who served this Country with dignity and respect, but we have a God who continues to serve us with love, grace and mercy.  Yes, we have men who have stood through wars and perilous times, but we have a God who has never left us nor forsaken us as we’ve faced our own battles.  We have a God who’s done more for us than any man, Nation or Government can ever do.   Don’t you think it’s time we as a people, stood up and said enough is enough.  I’m proud to be an American, but I’m more proud that I have a God that I can depend on.  America has been good to me, but my God has been better. 
So the next time you hear the words, “Please stand for a moment of silence”, don’t let that moment be a silent one.  Pray out loud and let those around you hear your voice as you speak to your God.  I’m not ashamed.  Let’s get back to trusting God America…It’s not too late.
Just my thoughts on a page.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Talking Isn't Working.

I posted earlier this week that I had it figured out. Well, I thought I did, but I think I’ve figured it out for me; however, I think it will work for anybody. 
This week has been a fairly good week.  There’s been no big issue at work, no big issues at home, just a quiet week with no major hic-ups.  But something happened Wednesday that opened my eyes and allowed me to see that I've got to shut my mouth and get to work.

Re-reading an email I received earlier in the week, I discovered that I’m not using what I’m supposed to be using.  I’m not using the tool that God wants me to use.  I’m leaning on something I’m not supposed to be leaning on…my own understanding.  Proverbs 3: 5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding".  The tool that I’m not using is my faith…I just need to use my faith.  We all know what faith is; the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We all have a measure of it to use, we just choose not to use it.

One question I keep asking myself is have I been walking down a road that I’m not supposed to be walking?  Could be!  Is it leading me in a direction that I’m not supposed to be going?  Possibly, but it’s what’s familiar to me.  God has given me a direction, but because of fear, lack of confidence, lack of support, and just plain ole slackness on my part I haven’t enjoyed what I could be enjoying.  I chose not to go down that road; but isn’t that what we do when we don’t use our faith?  We choose not to go in a direction because we think we lack the skills it would take to walk it.  We have the faith, we just don’t use it.

The last few days I’ve seen blogs and FB posts concerning dreams and goals and the things we should do to achieve them.  James chapter two goes into some detail about how we should use faith…its called actions.  We can talk about our dreams and goals all day long, but until we start putting into action the steps that it would take to achieve those goals, we’ll never see them accomplished.  They’ll always be thoughts or ideas in the back of our head or written on a pad somewhere.

Recently, my Pastor taught a lesson on the 23rd Psalms.  During his lesson I saw something in the scriptures I’ve never seen before.  In verse four David says, “…he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake”.  Then in verse four he says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…”  David understood that the paths of righteousness would go through some pretty dark valleys and that it wouldn’t be for David’s sake…it would be for His.  Those paths usually take us by people we’re supposed to encounter and encourage. Sometimes those paths take us to places God wants us to be an example or provide direction to someone else or take on some responsibility that someone, who was unwilling to walk that path, didn’t want to take.  But it starts by having FAITH and taking a step in the direction God is leading.

Faith without works is dead…Dreams and goals are dead without taking the steps toward achieving them.  Business ideas, ministries you want to start, ideas that are in your head are all dead unless you start putting some work into them.  Stop speaking it and start doing it.

So, what was it I figured out?  Stop talking and start working.  You'll be seeing a lot more work out of me than you've seen in the past.  I'm going to stop letting my words show my faith and start letting my actions prove it.  I'm taking that first step towards success...and it's going to be a great walk because I know who's with me.  What about you?  What is it that you've been wanting to accomplish, but haven't started yet?  Are you ready to stop talking about what you want to see done and start working towards it?  If so....let's go!

Just my thoughts on a page.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The View From Here

I’m sitting here wondering what in the world am I going to blog about this week?   I’ve had several ideas come to mind, but nothing just stood out.  I thought about trying to use this new list of sentences that you’re supposed to use when you’re trying to encourage someone to succeed…

You can do better.
Give it all you’ve got.
I’m so proud of you.
How can I help?
I’m here if you need me.
I’m glad you’re here.

But everything I came up with just didn’t seem to be the right thing to say or I couldn’t say it in the way that sounded like it fit.  So I tossed it out….LOL!  Actually, it’s in my note file and I’ll use it later.

However, I have had this one thought going over and over in the back of my head that Donna and I were discussing a few weeks ago.  I wrote it down and labeled it “The View from Here” because that’s basically what it described.  The view from where we were at the time and it was an unbelievable view. 

As you walk the path of life, sometimes that path can be really rough.  At times you might think you’re never going to make it through, but somehow you do.  The thing that Donna and I were discussing was a comment she made concerning our life.  She said, “As you travel the road of life and you look over your shoulder, you don’t always see the beautiful brooks and the fields of clover.  You don’t see the beautiful things you want to see.  You actually see the rocks and the hills; you see the valleys and the cliffs that you’ve had to walk through and hang over.  It’s when you look from a distance at what you’ve been through and over come and realize that what you see isn’t the rough roads and the rocky ledges, but a beautiful mountain with a breathtaking view of what God has allowed you to walk through, together”.

The thing that sticks out the most is the fact that we look over our shoulder instead of turning around to look at what we’ve just come through.  Looking over the shoulder only gives you a view of the closest thing to you.  It doesn’t give you a good look at everything.  If you can’t see the beauty of the path and all you can see is the danger, you’re not going to appreciate the path…you’ll regret it. 

We’ve all heard to leave the past in the past and we should.  But at the same time we’ve got to learn from it.  We’ve got to understand that not everything about the past was unpleasant.  There were some beautiful brooks and some peaceful fields that allowed us a place to relax.  At times we were able to walk down paths covered with huge trees that provided protection from rain and sometimes the hot sun.  Not everything was a cliff and steep hills of rough, sharp rock. 

So the next time you feel like life is too rough and you need a little encouragement…stop, turn around and look at what God has allowed you to face.  What you’ll see is a breathtaking view of waterfalls and snow capped mountains.  Seeing that will make you feel like you can overcome anything because you’ve come through and over everything.  You’ll realize that the view from here is actually uplifting, encouraging and will give you the strength to keep pressing forward.  Ain’t God good? 

Just my thoughts on a page.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

It May Be Old, But It's Dependable

I was recently reviewing some pictures in my phone and came across one I took back in June during our visit to Picayune.  It’s a picture of an old bridge we use to cross when we walked to school.  The bridge is about 40 feet long and stretches out over a small creek.  Crossing over it at the age of 42 brought back a lot of great memories from my youth.  Plus it gave me a chance to tell a few stories to my kids.  It was really a great moment that I’ll never forget. 

As I looked at the picture I realized that someone had enough courage, determination and wisdom to build this bridge.  Someone had the right idea of helping the children attending Roseland Park Elementary School get there a little safer. 

That bridge is still standing and crossable today.  My boys and I walked across it and played on it, we even read some of the names that are carved into the railing.  But when we approached the bridge initially we were careful.  At first I wouldn’t let them on it.  I wanted to make sure that the wood wasn’t rotten or the boards weren’t loose.  I wanted to make sure the bridge was safe to cross.  After I crossed it and completed a thorough inspection, I called for Connor and Collin to come to me.  At first the boys were a little skeptical about crossing.  They were careful about where they stepped and how they placed their weight on the boards, but after the first few steps and seeing me comfortably walking back and forth, they begin to loosen up and enjoy the time on the bridge. 

My point with this is we all have areas of our life that we’re uncomfortable with crossing.  We each have things that we’re afraid to cross and wonder how in the world are we going to handle it?  Well, someone has already been down that road and built a bridge.  Someone has already understood what it’s going to take to overcome the smelly, muddy, nasty creek and provided the means to cross it safely and comfortably.  

The problem is we look at the bridge and don’t want to cross because it’s old.  We think it’s unstable and undependable so we start looking for other ways.  We start trying to find a “new” way to cross an old problem.  This in itself brings more stress and anxiety into our lives.  We bring more problems into our life all because we don’t want to trust the way someone has already provided.  True, the bridge looks old; that’s because it is.  It’s been used for many years by many people; it’s been tried and tested and it still stands.  There may be a board that’s loose or a nail sticking up, but it’s still the safest way to cross. 

The next time you have an old issue crop up in your life and you don’t know how you’re going to get across it, remember there is a bridge that you can use that’s been tried and tested over many years.  Trust it.
Just my thoughts on a page.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Legend...Become A Great One!

This blog is being dedicated to teachers.
August is here and the return to the classroom is just around the corner.  As I reflected over missing my 25th high school reunion, I began remembering many of the teachers that I had in high school.  I remembered the way they taught and some of the techniques used to gain our attention or to help us remember certain formulas.  Some I remembered by how they sounded when they taught; while others I remembered their silence.  I remembered how some looked and presented themselves as professionals, while others just presented themselves.  I remembered some would sing to us and others would read to us.  Some would instruct, while others sat at the desk as we entertained ourselves.  Floods of memories entered my mind and many of the thoughts were positive and encouraging. The greatest and most important thing is that I remembered the teachers who had the greatest impact on my life. 
I consider many of my junior high and high school teachers to be legendary teachers.  Why, you may ask.  The main reason is they did something amazing…they continued to teach.  They continued to push forward and give all that they had to the students in the classroom.  In spite of the long hours involved in preparing and in spite of the minimal salary, they continued to direct, inspire, encourage and most of all, TEACH students.  To me that’s just one characteristic of a legend; to push through any obstacle that may present itself and be victorious and successful. 
In my opinion, remembering a teacher and how he or she made a lasting positive impression on you is an honor to that teacher.  To be impressed means to be affected deeply or strongly in mind or feelings; to influence in opinion.  There were several teachers that did just that in my life.  They affected me deeply and had great influence in the direction of my life. 
I want teachers today to know that you’re making a difference in the lives of students.  You’re impressing upon them to be and do better, to learn and become educated.  You’re instructing them to be successful not only in the classroom, but in life as well.
Your efforts in the classroom will allow students to grow in ways that he/she could have never imagined.  If YOU don’t show them how to push and encourage themselves to overcome obstacles or to figure out a solution through creative measures, they may never achieve success in life. 
You’re being an inspiration to the students by finding new ways to explain an old process, by being creative in the way you teach.  You’re leaving an impression, a mark so to speak, and a piece of yourself in a student’s life that will never go away.  For instance, when you bring the guitar to school and sing songs just to make English Lit fun, or when you smile and go over that Algebra formula four more times until they finally get it, your students are learning that consistency and patience can help solve even bigger problems in life.  Many students come from unloving and uncaring homes.  The next time you stop and listen to a student’s problems, they learn that there are others who really do care.  All of these actions are leaving lasting impressions that will never go away.  You’re becoming more than just a teacher at this point; you’re becoming an everlasting memory.
I mentioned earlier one characteristic of a legend, but what really makes a legend? What makes Muhammad Ali a legend?  Is it because he’s a three time World Heavyweight Champion with his boxing stats of 61 fights with 56 wins, 37 with a TKO?  What made “The Champ” a legend?  Was it his political stand and support of the Muslim faith?  The answer is, both.  His actions are why you remember him. 
What about the legends of the NFL such as running back greats like Emmitt Smith, Barry Sanders and Walter Payton?  All three have tremendous records and great stats, but how did they get those statistics?  Hard work and ability is what got them noticed…dedication to the game is what made them a legend. 
In my eyes, there are legends that had nothing to do with sports.  People like Erin Gruwell who turned a group of troubled kids into more than anyone, including themselves, thought they would ever be.  She inspired them by being creative in her methods, and today many of her students are teachers because of the impression she left on them. 
But the question still stands.  What made Ali, Sanders, and Gruwell all legends?  Each one did something spectacular.  Each one, although different, had some of the same qualities and characteristics.  They each took a risk, they each had a personal interest in the cause set before them, they each had a connection with the audience; whether it was the fans in the stadium or the kids in the classroom.  Each one put in the hard work and dedication to see dreams fulfilled in not only their lives, but in the lives of those around them. 
Each one of you has the qualities of the aforementioned legends.  You’re each a risk taker, dedicated, you’re educated and inspiring with the methods you use in the classroom.   Each one of you may have students sitting in front of you this year that will one day sit at a computer and blog about the great things they remember about the teachers in their life.
Legends…each of you are capable of becoming one.  The question is will you put forth the effort it takes to be a remembered as a great one? 
Just my thoughts on a page to a group of MASTER TEACHERS!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Life...It's a Heartbeat.

Donna and I were driving home from where ever it was we had been and she said to me, I’ve got something you can blog about.  I said, do you?  She said, have you ever thought about how life relates to the heart monitor machine?  My response was, no not really.  Explain it to me.  She said you know how on a heart machine the line is going up and down as the heart beats.  Uh huh, was my response.  She asked me, what does that indicate?  I said, um it usually means that the heart is beating.  She answered me with great enthusiasm, right!  Then she asked me a second question.  What does it mean when the line is straight?  I said, that’s easy, it means you’re dead.  Her response back to me was in the form of another question.  So if a flat line means you’re dead, the squiggly lines mean?  I answered, that you’re alive.  She said, exactly!  You can blog about that.

Being the slow person that I am, it took me a moment to really understand what she was talking about.  I got it though.  The squiggly line that goes up and down with the heart beat means that you’re living, that there is life.  Just like the line, life isn’t flat.  There are times that you’re going to experience some uphill climbs.  There are times when things are going to be tough and you don’t know if you’ll make it or not, but you keep pushing.  Just as you reach the top or make it through the ordeal, you reach the peak.  Just like life, there are times when things are on the downhill side.  Things are great and you seem to be coasting along with no problems, everything is just easy and smooth.  Then you reach the bottom or the valley and the process starts all over again. 

The peak, that is where we all want to stay.  The view is great, the air is pure and clean, everything is perfect at the peak.  Our peaks are there as a reward from the climb we just made.  Our peaks are resting points and a time for us to be restored and refreshed.  The peaks of our life are full of joy, celebration and success.  The problem is, as much as we'd love to, we know we can’t stay there.  Sure our peaks are so much fun and exciting, but how would life be if all we ever experienced was a peak?

The downhill side of life is another area we want to stay.  It’s easy; you don’t have to do anything.  Life is just coasting by and there aren’t any issues to face or stresses to bother you.  The kids are good, the spouse is good, everyone’s health is good, the job is going great and the dog loves you.  Again, how much fun would life be if everything was a downhill ride? 
Nobody likes the valley or the bottom.  The valley is usually dark, gloomy and not a very pleasant place to be, but it encourages you to start the climb back to the peak.  In a valley you know that there is a peak in your near future.  You'll have to push through the valley and endure a climb, but in the back of your mind you know it's there.  Nobody wants to stay in the valley or at the bottom, so you doing everything you can to get out of it.  It’s the valley where you have to gather the strength to start the climb back up the hill.  It is in the valley that you figure out you can make it to the next peak.  It's at the peak when you look back at the valley and think, that wasn't so bad. 

That’s life.  It’s full of ups and downs, with high points and peaks, with low spots and valleys.  Without them life would be one flat line and we all know what a flat line on a heart monitor means…there is no life. 
So the next time you’re sitting in your bottom and you’re complaining about the problems you have to face, remember one very important thing.   You have life and the life you have is worth living.  Live it to the best of your ability.  You’re alive and kicking and that’s more than the people in the cemetery are doing. 

Just my thoughts on a page.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's A Brand New Day.

The last few weeks I’ve been coming to work and reading excerpts from the book God’s Wisdom for Your Every Need. It encourages me and lifts my spirit before I get my day started.  Today, I got to work feeling really down and depressed. I knew that if I didn’t get out of this funk I’d move through the day infecting everyone with funk, and that just couldn’t happen.

I wrote on my FB page this morning that today was a new day, and it is. Everything about today is new. There is nothing old or used, no flaws or imperfections in this day. There are new opportunities and new adventures that we’ve yet to experience in this day. We have the great privilege of getting to walk into this day knowing that it’s a gift from God. We get to leave the problems of yesterday behind us and have the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. I’m starting this day with new confidences that today will be a successful day.

After posting that, I get to work and opened the promise book and I begin to read this scripture. It’s in Romans 12: 10-11, 13. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;…distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

You know those “Wow Moments”, well, I had one after I read this and my funk begin to go away. I begin to realize that I’ve got a brand new day to serve God. I’ve got a chance to serve Him by serving others with affection, honor and diligence.

I begin to break down the words of the scripture and I started with affectionate. It means having affection or warm regards. So, I looked up affection. It means the actions of affecting…which means evoking a strong emotional response. I took this to part of the scripture to mean that with each person we meet today, we should have positive thoughts and show the individual that they are cared for and appreciated.

The second part of that scripture said, “…not lagging in diligence”. Diligence: persevering, speed or haste. Persevering: being steady, earnest and energetic. Earnest: serious and intent state of mind. Not lagging in diligence is to be quick and steady or consistent in your actions. Don’t wait or put off until later what can be done now. Persevere or push through the opposition that you may face in order to show kindness and love to your brother or sister.

Fervent in spirit was the next line that caught my attention. The word spirit wasn’t capitalized, so I knew it wasn’t talking about the Holy Spirit. It must mean man’s spirit or attitude. Fervent means very hot or glowing. It also means to exhibit or mark by great intensity of feeling; zealous. In a nut shell it’s having passion about what you do. Going after the things you want to accomplish and letting nothing get in your way.

So in this new day we have before us, let’s be encouraging to each other. Let’s show one another that we care about the other. Don’t wait to be respectful and honor one another, do it now. Be passionate and energetic in your service toward those around you who are in need. Because those around you who are in need will one day have an opportunity to repay you with the same passion, respect, honor and love that you’ll need.

Serving the Lord is something we do by serving others…Who can you serve today? Remember, it’s not about you or me. It’s about them and Him.

Just my thoughts on a page.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just Rambling...

The last few weeks has provided a lot of material for me to write about.  I've titled this blog Just Rambling, mainly because the things I’m writing about will probably sound scattered and may not make a bit of sense.  So here goes.

Some of you may know that I'm in the process of writing a small book on leadership. It's nothing big or profound, but I think it can be a tool that leaders can use.  A tool to help train young people who feel a call into ministry or want to become more involved in a leadership position.

The title chosen is really a simple one, but I think it says exactly what leaders need to understand. Chosen to Follow, Developed to Lead is a book based on principals Jesus used combined with Loss Prevention principals. The object is to help leaders develop those who are willing to follow and at the same time put knowledge in them that will help in leading others. Isn't that what it's all about anyway, helping others?

Family Matters:

This past weekend Donna and I had the privilege to attend a Build a Better Family seminar sponsored by Vow. For those of you who don't know, Vow is a program that helps coach couples who may be struggling in their marriage. They also provide pre-marriage counseling and coaching to couples who are thinking about becoming engaged or who may already be engaged. Donna and I have volunteered to become a mentor with Vow. We both feel that we have a lot to offer young couples.  We've been together 20 years,  we've been through stuff together and survived.  However, the stuff we've faced we had help from someone and His name is Jesus Christ. We want to share that with others and help them understand that d.i.v.o.r.c.e. shouldn't be in their vocabulary.  There is always a better way.

In the process of attending this seminar I got to thinking. This is usually a bad thing for me, but in this case it could turn out to be a very good thing. I was inspired to return to school and get my Masters in either Clinical Psychology or Counseling. Should I or shouldn't I is now the question I'm asking. I'm thinking yes, but at the same time no. Confusing? I may need a shrink before this is!

Stepping Out:

I feel like God is asking me to step out by faith and allow him to work through my life. The problem with that is how do you step out? What is the first step in stepping out? For over 20 years I've always known I have a call on my life. I'll have to blog about the experience some time, but that's another story for another time; however, this is a rambling blog. I've always known that God has given me a message to be speak.  People need to hear that there is a way to walk and a Companion that will walk with them, but how do you get it out there?  How do you get the ball rolling is a question I’ve struggled with for a long time. 

A few years ago I did have a few engagements; however, I must not have done a very good job because no one has asked me back....LOL! Well, one did. I just haven't taken him up on the offer, but I will very soon. That was ten years ago and God knew that I wasn't ready; however, now I feel like things have changed. God has given me knowledge, experiences, and most importantly He's given me understanding and I give Him all the glory.  So if you're reading this and you would like to have my wife and I come speak to your youth, young married or even your entire congregation: call me...LOL!

The Future:

I'm 42 years old and I have a lot that I'd like to see take place over the next ten years. I'm sure that whatever I focus on is what I'll see accomplished. Right now there are two things that matter most to me. One is my relationship with Christ and the second is my relationship with my family. So if anything interferes with either one of those, I know it's not where I need to focus my attention.  As I’ve said before, God has a plan for our lives.  Keep your eyes, heart and mind open because you never know how He’ll reveal that plan to you.

I know it's been rambling thoughts, but it's been thoughts that I could put on a page.